Atlanta: Saturday, June 20 at 3:00 PM Trump/Pence Out Now Caravan throughout the city. Email/Call/Text for meetup location. [email protected] - 678-962-7732 Facebook Event
Boston: Saturday June 20 #TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in Cambridge "Defend BlackLives" rally and march 3:30 PM Gather at "Out of Town News" Kiosk upstairs at the Harvard Square Red Line Entrance. Contingent will march to the 4:00 pm rally. Defend Black Lives march will proceed to Central Square and finish at Kendall Square. Facebook Event
Chicago: Saturday June 20 Protest Trump's Fascist KKKampaign Rally 6:00 - 8:00 pm Millennium Park, Randolph & Michigan Facebook Event
Cleveland: Saturday, June 20 at 10:30 AM Meet at Benedictine HS parking lot 2900 MLK Jr. Blvd, Cleveland 44120
Honolulu: Saturday, June 20 at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Republican Party Headquarters, 725 Kapiolani Blvd (Imperial Plaza) Facebook Event
Los Angeles: Saturday, June 20: Hollywood and Vine 3 pm rally and march to Trump's star to demand an end to Trump's white supremacist regime. Bring symbols of what Trump really represents TO HIS HOLLYWOOD STAR. Facebook Event
New York: Saturday, Sat Jun 20 4 pm-Union Square, march to Trump Tower Facebook Event
Philadelphia: Saturday, Sat Jun 20 6:00PM Dilworth Park 1 S. 15th St Speak-out Facebook Event
San Francisco: Saturday, June 20, 12:00PM at the Embarcadero join the #TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in the March for Freedom and Justice! Facebook Event
Seattle: Saturday June 20 Seattle Protest of Trump's Fascist & White Supremacy 4:00 5:00 pm Interstate 5 overpass bridge at NE 50th Street and 5th Ave NE. Facebook Event.