1. Pick a public gathering point – maybe there is a Trump property near you, or the office of someone in his cabinet of ghouls, or just a public square where people converge.
2. Set up a FB event page or join refusefascism.org on FB and we can advertise your protest or vigil. Invite EVERYONE.
3. Contact calendar@refusefascism.org with all the protest information where, when, any linked information from the www.
4. Make a flyer about the protest and use our materials from this site to spread NO around campuses, cafes, concerts, neighborhoods, etc. Graphics to get you started here.
5. Contact organizations in your area to invite them to come out and spread the word to their members. Some ideas of who to reach out to: local Bernie organizers, people who mobilized protests for the Hamilton Electors, progressive churches and faith leaders, free-thinker meet-ups, student organizations, immigrant rights groups, organizations that protest police murder, abortion clinic escorts, local artists and figures who have spoken out against Trump…
7. No “secret protests!” Take photos and post to social media: use #NoFascistUSA and also send to info@refusefascism.org.