RefuseFascism Mission Statement
Refuse Fascism’s Mission in 2025
Refuse Fascism leads people to understand and resist Trump/MAGA fascism. We unite with people from diverse perspectives to stop the second Trump regime from consolidating power and carrying out great horrors. Through our podcast and other public programs we expose and analyze the threat we face, promote efforts to defend people targeted by the fascists, and most essentially challenge and inspire the non-fascist majority of people living in the United States, the tens of millions of people who care about humanity and hate what Trump represents, to break out of the deadly confines of politics-as-usual and engage in determined, defiant action to defeat this American Fascism.
We pledge to the people of the world:
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America
What is FASCISM? Podcast Refuse Fascism Organize/Resist
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The Refuse Fascism podcast, featuring commentary on the latest events and interviews with scholars and activists from many different perspectives, is an essential tool for understanding and uniting to stop an American fascist movement that imperils all of humanity. PROMOTE THIS PODCAST
Produced and brought to you by volunteers with Hosted by Sam Goldman.
Watering The Seeds of Resistance
Sam shares the call from Refuse Fascism to take the streets on Presidents Day (Monday, February 17) and shares some of the developments that marked week 3 of Trump 2.0.
She interviews Daniel Hunter, author of What If Trump Wins? and founder of Choose Democracy. They discuss resistance to stop Trump and how we overcome fear and uncertainty. Find out more about here. Then she shares highlights from conversations with Kay, Kim, and Misty, organizers with No Voice Unheard who played a pivotal role in the nationwide 50501 protests that mobilized thousands in protest of Trump and Project 20205.
Find/host a protest on Monday Feb 17 (“President’s Day”) here.
Only the People Can Defeat Trump/MAGA Fascism
Find Out How; Register for Zoom
Tuesday, Feb 11 at 8PM ET
The First Two Weeks: Fascism is a Package Deal
Sam recaps and analyzes the onslaught of fascist orders and actions as of this morning, February 2, 2025. Then we share snippets from the Patron-only call earlier this week discussing the fascists’ agenda and progress towards implementing it including their primary targets (trans people and immigrants) plus their plans for radically changing the US constitution (which isn’t already repressive enough for them); plus ways that people can act in concert and individually to resist fascism meaningfully right now.
Find protests in every state happening February 5 here.
Learn more about the “50501” protest movement here.
Week One of Trump Regime 2.0 w/ Chrissy Stroop
One week in, Sam talks with Chrissy Stroop, Senior Correspondent for Religion Dispatches, and co-founder of The Fly Trap. Subscribe to Chrissy’s Substack.
Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 8PM ET / 5PM PT, join us for a Patron-only Zoom discussion with historian Paul Street & host of the pod Sam Goldman, to discuss Trump’s first 10 days and ways we can refuse fascism together. See link to register at our Patreon page.
The Inauguration song by Jesse Welles on YouTube. Follow Jesse at
Sheriffs As Trump’s Shock Troops w/ Jessica Pishko
Sam comments on the eve of Trump’s inauguration and shares highlights from our virtual forum “Offense and Defense: How to Defeat Trump/MAGA Fascism & Defend Those Under Attack.” Catch the full program here.
Then, Sam interviews Jessica Pishko, journalist, lawyer, and author of The Highest Law in the Land: How the Unchecked Power of Sheriffs Threatens Democracy. You can follow Jessica on X/Bluesky @JessPish and subscribe to her Substack.
MORE Episodes of the Refuse Fascism Podcast →
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Understand, STOP this American Fascism
Fascism is not just a gross combination of horrific reactionary policies. It is a qualitative change in how society is governed. …What is crucial to understand is that once in power fascism essentially eliminates traditional democratic rights. – READ MORE
2024: Year in Review
We find our power together, not by finding a way to get by or accommodate to the new horrific normal, but together paving a path for mass nonviolent noncooperation, mass nonviolent disobedience. Prepare for the fight ahead in 2025 with some guests from this past year including:
Zoltán Grossman, Lee McIntyre, Sasha Abramsky, Jefferson Cowie, Ece Temelkuran, Aziz Rana, Tom Schaller, Alberto Toscano, Graie Hagans, Amanda Tyler, Annika Brockschmidt, Robert P. Jones, Clarence Lusane, Matt Shuham, Paul Street, Rick Perlstein
Stupid Stuff to Stop Saying 2025
Below I paraphrase thirteen dumb things I’ve been hearing and reading from liberal- and left-identified people and briefly explain why they should stop saying and posting this stuff:
1. “We survived the first Trump administration so we’ll get through a second one just fine.” Oh, okay. Hundreds of thousands of US Americans did not in fact survive the first Trump administration thanks in no small part to Donald “Shoot Clorox” Trump’s insane pandemo-fascist response to Covid-19 and to Trump’s assault on basic public health rules and procedures. The incoming second fascist Donald “Poisoning Our Blood” Trump regime is arriving with considerably more power over government, media, and politics than the first version.
This American Fascism A Retrospective
We’re sharing a round-up of excerpts from interviews over the past four years with 20 experts on fascism. If you want to know “what is US fascism in this century” or “who are the fascists in America” or “where did fascism in the US come from” – this is your crash course (and it’s episode 200!).
Perspectives on Stopping Fascism in The U.S. in 2024
A wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Clarence Lusane and Sunsara Taylor over what it will take to stop fascism in the United States. We discuss the 2024 elections in the context of the prospect of civil war, the genocide in Gaza and the uprising to stop it, the threat of today’s wars spiraling out of control, the nature of the fascist threat, and the possibility of wrenching a better future out of this moment.
MORE on the danger of fascism →
See: Voices of Conscience and Courage →
Organize / Resist – Resources
Refuse Fascism
What is Refuse Fascism? was initiated on an emergency basis in the wake of the election of Trump and Pence in 2016. Our founding mission called on all who recognized the catastrophic danger of the Trump/Pence regime to unite and organize to drive the regime out of power through sustained, non-violent mass protest. We pledged to the world that we would not stand aside while there was still a chance to stop a regime that imperiled humanity and the earth itself. With our slogan: In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! And our single unifying demand: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
This Pledge to the People of the World, initiated by Refuse Fascism, appeared in the New York Times on November 9, 2020
Co-initiator of Refuse Fascism Cornel West on the impact of the analysis and work of Refuse Fascism over the past years
It was the Refuse Fascism movement … that has put fascism on the map for the past five years. And that needs to be said!
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