July 13, 2017
“The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” is the demand of nationwide protests taking place in towns and cities across the USA on Saturday, July 15. These protests – organized by a broad coalition of groups – have been threatened by counter protesters in a number of cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area.
In Los Angeles, Michelle Xai, of Refuse Fascism, responded: “These fascists have crawled out of their swamp because they are stung by the fact that the reality TV star now helming this fascist regime is hated by billions around the world. They are threatening to attack and have us arrested to defend Trump’s Hollywood star. This would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous! What are these fascist fools defending? They are defending the cruel and brutal future of the Trump/Pence Regime, the attacks on immigrants and people of color, on women and LGBTQ, the people of the world and the policies that will lead to the destruction of our planet. To that we say NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.”
Despite threats from the pro-Trump fascists, LA organizers will carry forward with their permitted march and rally as planned, and they are calling on thousands to join them. In Xai’s words, “We cannot be intimidated. These forces – on the streets and in the White House – have to be stopped by us in our thousands and millions, raising our diverse voices in determined mass resistance. Join us in the streets!”
In Houston, fascists are encouraging their supporters to show up armed. An organizer there wrote, “We cannot hand these forces the future they want. The worst thing we can do, for the people of Texas and the people of the world, is to stay home and avoid the conflict. We must gather peacefully, we must raise our demand that the Trump-Pence regime must go, and we must stand together strong.”
Meanwhile, in New York, Refuse Fascism is in the midst of #100HoursOfNo, where they are protesting in front of Fox News for 100 continuous hours. On the scene, Sunsara Taylor said “FOX is the Fascist News Network — the Goebbels of the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime. This is not hyperbole. This statement is based on actual facts, unlike the steady stream of lies and threats spewed from the regime’s mouthpieces at FOX.” For 100 Hours, day and night, they are calling on people to testify and protest against “the Trump/Pence Regime and the hate filled bile from the mouthpiece of FOX.”