This year, we saw a terrible consequence of downplaying and normalizing the fascist threat represented by Donald Trump’s rise to power. The Supreme Court, with three justices appointed by Trump, overturned Roe v. Wade, plunging 22 million women and girls into a nightmare of female enslavement, second-class citizenship and forced pregnancy. Soon, this same Supreme Court will hear Moore v. Harper, a case that entertains the fascist “independent state legislature” theory that can legalize attempts to overturn the results of the 2024 elections. And these Republi-fascists will not stop; they are aiming for a national abortion ban, attacks on marriage equality and birth control, and the continued demonization of immigrants and LGBTQ people.
Your donation to Refuse Fascism will help spread our urgent mission to expose, analyze, and stand against the consolidation of American fascism. Millions from coast to coast need to hear our reality-based message and become part of a growing movement of people refusing to accept a fascist America. Through our website, podcast, social media, and organizing, over the airwaves and in the streets, we have been forging the understanding and relationships aimed at preventing the consolidation of fascism.
I know you take seriously the threat posed by this vicious, revenge-fueled fascism and the real possibility of a Trumpist GOP re-seizing the White House. I also know that you recognize that we cannot sit back and let this movement grow in strength and power. Ignoring or misunderstanding this threat further imperils the lives of millions of people in this country and billions all over the world. So too does relying on the Democratic Party to resolve this nightmare.
Even after threats and acts of violence, being targeted as enemies and deemed “traitors” the Democratic Party consistently conciliates to and tries to collaborate with the Republi-fascists. Trump and his fascist movement have torn up the norms and thrown out the rule book, yet the outrage and hopes of people on the side of justice keep getting diverted into the very channels that are being eviscerated, and away from the kind of deep, mass, society-wide struggle that is needed. Your donation today helps us change that dynamic moving people from passivity and accommodation into active, visible, mass refusal.
Despite the damning evidence against him presented in the January 6th hearings, Trump has been free to hold his hate rallies and announce his candidacy for president. Whether he wins the nomination or not, he has transformed and hardened the Republican party and political base, fomenting and relying on xenophobic nationalism, racism, misogyny, and the aggressive re-institution of oppressive “traditional values.” Election workers get death threats, school boards ban books, and truth is obliterated. Threats of violence, including talk of civil war, is a key part of the fascist advance. Once in power, fascism’s defining feature is the essential elimination of the rule of law and democratic and civil rights.
With your donation to Refuse Fascism, you are pledging your continued determination to stop an American fascism that imperils the people of the world and the earth itself. Since the founding of our stand and resolve have not wavered:
We pledge to the people of the world:
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
The only force that can actually stop the consolidation of fascism is you, the people, guided and inspired by a love for all humanity to wrench the future away from these fascists. Take a pledge to the people of the world to refuse to accept a fascist America, and please give generously to this great cause.
Or send a check/money order to, below Editorial Board:
Coco Das | Sam Goldman | Paul Street | Sunsara Taylor | Andy Zee
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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism’s educational activities, please make checks out to “Alliance for Global Justice,” a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402