7 March 2025 For immediate release
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Saturday Refuse Fascism Actions for International Women’s Day
Stop the War on Women and LGBTQ People!
The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity,
We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
What: Rallies/marches/photo op
When: Saturday March 8
Where: Various cities
Atlanta 2:00 pm 1000 Piedmont Ave. NE
Boston 11:00 am Parkman Bandstand Boston Common
Chicago 11:30 am Federal Plaza
Cleveland 11:45 am West 24th Street & Lorain Avenue
Easton PA 2:00 pm Centre Square
Honolulu 11:00 am Hawai’i State Capitol
Huntington Beach CA 11:00 am Huntington Beach Pier
Los Angeles 3:00 pm West Hollywood Park, San Vincente Blvd
New York City 1:00 pm Union Square @14th Street
Oakland 1:00 pm Lake Merritt Columns
Philadelphia 4:00 pm City Hall
San Antonio 12:00 pm Travis Park
Santa Fe 10:00 am Round House
Seattle 12:00 pm Broadway & East Pine
In a powerful statement, Refuse Fascism calls for protests on International Women’s Day, March 8, saying, ”Now is the time to stand up, resist, protest, to call millions into the streets, in growing numbers, again and again and again, until Trump/MAGA fascism is driven from power. International Women’s Day must be a day to fill the streets in towns and cities across the country with everyone who cares about women and LGBTQ people, everyone who refuses to be silent, everyone who doesn’t want a fascist America,. We won’t go back. We won’t submit.”
Sunsara Taylor, member of the Refuse Fascism Editorial Board, said today, “Just as it was with Hitler and the Nazis, brutal enforcement of traditional patriarchy is at the core of Trump/MAGA fascism. Just as was the case with the Nazis, the time to defeat Trump/MAGA fascism is *before* it consolidates its power and crushes all opposition. Now is the time for women and LGBT people to unleash our righteous fury and for everyone who cares about justice to pour into the streets to say: No! In the Name Of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept A Fascist America! Trump Must Go!”
Coco Das, member of the Refuse Fascism Editorial Board, said, “After Trump’s bloody-jawed fascist victory lap on Capitol Hill on March 4, the stakes on this International Women’s Day could not be higher. This regime is cementing in enslavement of women, erasure of LGBTQ people, and subjugation of everyone in this country to aggressive white, Christian, male supremacy. Sitting by while dissenters are hauled away and fascism is cheered on is unconscionable.”
Refuse Fascism is a national movement mobilizing people to prevent the consolidation of fascism in the United States through nonviolent, mass sustained protest. Founded in 2016 in response to Trump’s first election, we have reactivated with the demand “The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go!” uniting all who can be united around the pledge “In The Name of Humanity, We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America!”
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