Dr. Heather Costello w @RefuseFascismCH spoke at #InternationalWomensDay2025 protest in Chicago about the need to unite &!act now to #RefuseFascism before it becomes too late.
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Venmo: Refuse-Fascism— Refuse Fascism (@RefuseFascism) March 9, 2025
1500 people gathered at Chicago’s Daley Plaza for International Women’s Day. The protest was organized by Gemmes for Femmes in unity with the Women’s March. There were speakers from the League of Women Voters, Chicago Indivisible, 50501 Chicago, an abortion rights group Personal PAC, Refuse Fascism and others.
New York City
New York City, International Women’s Day 2025! Follow @RefuseFascism and join the fight! The fascist Trump Regime Must GO!!
— The Revcoms (@therevcoms) March 9, 2025
At 12:00pm Refuse Fascism was setting up at Union Square for the International Women’s Day rally when, earlier than expected, 1500 people from the Women’s March came streaming into Union Square. Sabel, one of the MC’s, jumped up on the stage with a bullhorn and led the crowd in taking the pledge: NO! In the name of humanity, we REFUSE to accept a fascist America!” Hundreds circled around, and the rally was on! Sunsara Taylor spoke passionately about the oppression of women and LGBT people and sharply called out divide and conquer b.s, and struggled with people to engage Bob Avakian, who has done deeply scientific work on the oppression of women, and the hundreds and hundreds in the audience were riveted.
The Raging Grannies Metro NY sang When the Women Come Marching In; Ann Wright, who resigned from the State Department over the US war on Iraq spoke on our responsibility to the world. Amos A gave a guitar solo; Jade & Jo of Trans Queer Voices gave vivid stories of living against gender norms. Soniyah, a student organizer for Refuse Fascism, told exactly how the Trump regime is fascist and called for resistance.
When Carl Dix spoke the crowd was intently listening to how he broke down the need for revolution and the challenge to everyone to find out more about the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity and the revolution humanity so urgently needs. The revolutionary rock band Outernational raised people’s sight with their song “Free Women,” before the young women of Mexicanas Resistiendo led between 200-300 defiant marchers out of Union Square up Park Ave to Madison Square Park where the protest ended on a high point with another short speech from Sunsara Taylor and organizing teams for student walkouts, artists and a potluck this week.
Refuse Fascism’s International Women’s Day rally caused a sensation, with people eating at one “open air” restaurant celebrating with us, clapping for the chants they were hearing over the bullhorns on all 4 corners. This, amidst persistent honking of approval by the heavy traffic, as well as the festival atmosphere (young women stopping to dance in the crosswalk with their signs, our banner criss-crossing as well, at times hoisted by volunteers) that had taken over this large intersection, a center for LGBTQ life in Atlanta.
The young very boisterous women that had given so much life to everyone that day flatly stated “Fuck Trump”. What ensued after that were heartrending, personal stories, often a flood of emotion of what they or their family members, or their friends had endured because of the war on women and LGBTQ people. Other stories about almost dying unnecessarily of sepsis, another of a woman’s mother being told she had cancer, only to luckily get a 2nd opinion and discover she was pregnant (with her!). Some middle-aged women spoke the need to help Dems win upcoming elections and their love for this country (sort of Democracy Makes America Great). But the power of this kind of [sometimes intimate] sharing with others in this setting unleashed a 50501 organizer to comment that he did not know til then was was missing from his prior experience (a few pre-selected speakers and no chance for some for-real communication he was now witnessing.
Several people during the day made transformations in the course of it. One young woman came by herself on a mission to focus on animal liberation, but as the crowd swelled was vigorously taking up the RF chants over her bullhorn. Another older couple stated that they were only there in support of their daughter, but were moved to see themselves in a different light when they read the main slogan on the flier and saw where they were “part of that humanity”. Another person moved by the very meaningful personal stories people shared as to why they were compelled to participate in the protest said– those are important stories to be heard, but how do we move people from their personal reasons to acting in the name of all humanity.
About 800 people joined an International Women’s Day Protest called by Refuse Fascism Hawai`i and other organizations. After initially gathering and holding signs in front of the State Capitol, there was a loud march through the government district and around Iolani Palace. People were of all ethnicities and ages. Constant rain squalls failed to dampen spirits and energy remained high throughout.
2000 people protested for International Women’s Day in Seattle. The crowd was young, with a notable number of mothers with their young daughters. Older women who were in struggles for women’s rights going back to the 1960’s were there. A significant portion of the people were from the gay and trans community. Speakers included a representative from Capitol Hill Pride, a Black trans woman, and a 93 year old woman revolutionary who raised the slogan: “Break the Chains, Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution.” A Refuse Fascism organizer made a statement based on the new Refuse Fascism “Statement of Conscience.”
Refuse Fascism Seattle, Capitol Hill Pride, and Women’s March supporters then united in leading a powerful and uplifting march down Broadway, the main drag of the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, which includes the heart of the Seattle gay community. This was followed by a march to the heart of downtown Seattle at Westlake Park, where there was a speak-out.
Almost 1000 people came out for International Women’s Day in Cleveland Ohio. This was the biggest protest in recent memory. Mainly women of all ages, very energized, creative, and angry at Trump Fascism and all the attacks on people that are accelerating right now. Refuse Fascism’s banner was the back drop of the rally on the stage: Stop the War on Women and LGBTQ People! The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go!
Refuse Fascism also spoke from the stage and led people to pledge: in the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America. And on the march, the chant that rang out for over 2 minutes, “Hey hey ho ho Donald Trump has got to go!”
The speakers were a pretty inclusive assortment of representatives of almost every movement, definitely every gender & almost every nationality that exists here with at least a couple of students among them. This was an important expression of the explicit intent, that was coming from the stage but also that I heard from quite a number of people in the crowd that EVERYBODY has to stand together against Trump.