Leg 1 in March: The National Organizing Tour to Drive Out the Trump/Pence Regime traveled for a month, venturing out from New York City and driving our van all the way to El Paso, Texas—a total of 6,000 miles round trip! We stopped in Washington, DC; Greensboro, Durham, and Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; Montgomery, AL; New Orleans, LA; and Houston, Austin, and El Paso, TX. We hosted organizing meetings, participated in informal gatherings and discussions, led rallies and marches, spent time on several university campuses, and made a powerful impact at the South by Southwest festival in Austin.
Leg 2 in April: Northeast campuses: First week, volunteers for the national Drive Out Trump/Pence Tour were in NYC at John Jay College and Columbia University. The second week of April, they head to Cornell University, and on to Vermont. They’ll be in the Boston area the third week; then on April 22-29 part of the Refuse Fascism contingent at the March for Science & the Peoples’ Climate March in Washington DC. They want to get to Philadelphia and the Baltimore area before campus spring terms end.