March 20 Last Friday artist Karen Fiorito put up two back to back billboards in downtown Phoenix. One side depicts a scowling Trump with nuclear explosions going off and swastika like money signs around him. The other shows five hands of different colors spelling out UNITY in sign language. Fiorito told a Phoenix tv station “There’s a lot of tension right now in the air, and I’m trying to express that for a lot of people who feel they don’t have a voice … I do feel like we are headed down a road of destruction … So, that’s my expression and I think I have the right to say that”. Pro Trump fascists have been threatening her life, she told a reporter. Fiorito said she has received “a lot of hate. Things have gotten a lot more escalated now.” But she is also getting support. She said “I think a lot of people are feeling this way and I’m just trying to express what I think is on a lot of people’s minds these days.” Fiorito told a TV station in Los Angeles that she has gotten “Tons and tons of positive feedback. People either love it or they hate it. A lot of people have defended me online and offered to give me money to keep it up.” Her response – she’s going to keep the billboards up as long as Trump is President. Time to drive out the Trump/Pence Regime and get Fiorito’s paintings in a museum of fascist relics as a reminder of what could have been.