Drive Out the Trump-Pence Fascist Regime!
On Thursday, April 6th, Trump launched 59 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles against Syria.
Trump claims he dropped these bombs because of the “beautiful babies” who were gassed, reportedly by the Assad regime. While that was certainly a crime against humanity, what about the beautiful babies Trump has dropped drones on? What about the beautiful babies blown to pieces by U.S. in Iraq? What about the beautiful babies in Iran who he seems to be sending a gangster threat to through this bombing? What about the beautiful babies who are born FEMALE all over the planet whose lives are in danger because of Trump’s Global Gag rule gutting abortion access and whom regards as pieces of meat?
What about all the babies who are born Black in the USA — the boys have a 1 in 3 chance of prison or jail and Trump wants to ramp up “law and order” brutality? What about the beautiful babies whose parents are being torn from them and deported to Mexico and elsewhere? What about the beautiful babies who are Muslim? What about ALL THE BABIES all over the planet whose future is imperiled by the Trump-Pence Regime’s climate change denial and attacks on science?
FACT: Trump doesn’t care about Syrian babies. He’s a fascist thug who has promised “America First” fire-power and terror – including a new nuclear arms race – on the people of the world. His bombs are not “humanitarian.” His bombs will make things WORSE for the people of Syria and the people of the world.
In the Name of Humanity – we must say: NO! NO! NO!
No Bombing Syria!
Drive Out the Trump-Pence Fascist Regime!
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