Getting Started – The Call to Action
The most important thing in this organizing kit is the Call to Action.
This Call to Action provides the most incisive analysis of the danger posed to people all around the world by the fascist Trump-Pence Regime – every sentence is packed with meaning. It provides the most comprehensive picture of the regime’s program, pulling together the many different reactionary elements to reveal a whole that is qualitatively worse than even the sum of its parts. It is the incredibly popular – that is, plain-spoken and easy to understand – without watering down the big ideas we have to confront. And, it provides the most ambitious – yet realistic – vision and means of acting to Drive the Fascist Trump-Pence Regime from power, before it is too late.
As such, this Call to Action is glue of this movement. It, together with the website, is the most important single piece of guidance to you and the tens of thousands others who must become organizers of millions to drive this regime out.
Later in this Kit, provide some supplemental factsheets, Frequently Asked Questions, and other materials to compliment and break down some of what is in this Call to Action.
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