Press Advisory 12 July 2017 Indict Trump/Pence Fascist Regime/Fox News for Crimes Against Women, LGBTQ PeopleWhen: 4:00 pm Wednesday July 12 (continuing through Saturday) Today at 4:00 pm, at Fox News headquarters, Refuse Fascism and Sunsara Taylor will indict the Trump/Pence fascist regime and its propaganda arm Fox News for lies – and crimes – against women and LGBTQ people.. “WOMEN AND LGBTQ PEOPLE ARE FULL HUMAN BEINGS, not objects to be grabbed, demeaned, victimized, and denied their fundamental right to control their reproduction, and how they choose to live,” states Refuse Fascism.” This is day two of 100 Hours Indicting the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime and its bullhorn Fox News. See, WNBC: “100 Hour Long Protest Against Fox News Begins Tuesday Outside News Corp.” Refuse Fascism will present a detailed indictment of what the Trump/Pence regime has done, what it says it will do, and what it has unleashed nationally and internationally against women and LGBTQ people. It has also prepared indictments of the regime’s crimes against immigrants, Muslims, Black and Latino people, the environment, civil liberties, and the world’s people. These indictments concentrate the facts of the regime’s efforts to consolidate fascism and drive home why, in the interests of humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime “Must GO!”. These 100 hours will culminate on Saturday July 15 in protests in 16 cities to demand: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! New York: MASS RALLY AND MARCH #100HoursOfNo SunsaraTaylor is a writer for Revolution Newspaper and co-initiator of who has sparred over years on Fox with Bill O’Reilly and other hosts, most recently with Tucker Carlson when she compared Trump to Hitler. is a nationwide movement that unites people of many perspectives and from all walks of life who recognize that the Trump/Pence Regime is a fascist regime that must be driven from power through the mass political protest of millions of people. They do this not just for themselves, but in the name of humanity. |