July 22, Columbus Ohio 175 people, young and old, protested a fascist fundraiser for Mike Pence. The protest was organized by Planned Parenthood. Many wore Planned Parenthood shirts, and some carried homemade signs. Several speakers exposed cuts in health care for women. One Black woman spoke about how she would be dead now if the cuts Trump and Pence want to enact go through.
Several of us from Refuse Fascism from came out and brought out the 7 posters indicting the Trump/Pence regime’s fascism. We thought getting these posters out there was an important way to show people why, in the interests of humanity, the Trump/Pence regime MUST GO! As we walked up to the rally with the 7 posters, people looked at them, some read them said, “I’ll hold this.” The posters and their message impacted many people and moved them to sign up for Refuse Fascism and take bundles of the Call to Action to get out to their communities and organizations. Some were excited about the idea of taking Refuse Fascism to thousands of students when Ohio State starts up in the Fall.
Even though these signs might be cumbersome to transport, and because of that one of us argued to carry only the “NO!” posters, we all agreed the huge posters and their message was one important way to build a movement of millions of people to stay in the streets day and night until the fascist regime is gone.