Donald Trump got on a three-day roll this week. He rallied his base and prepared for some serious crimes against humanity.
On Day One he reaffirmed his commitment to war on the world. On Day Two he rallied his fascist base against the “lying media”, the “swamp” in Washington, people who protest him and anyone who challenges him. On Day Three he paid homage to the “warriors,” and made clear the basis on which his fascist regime is working to bring this country “together”.
Day One: Monday night August 21, Trump declared a major escalation in U.S. moves to dominate South Asia. Speaking on a military base, he announced an escalation of the U.S. military occupation of Afghanistan and of the violence the US is inflicting upon the people of Afghanistan. He said that so-called restraints upon the military and its commanders would be removed. He announced a “core pillar” of his strategy: “… attack we will … We are killing terrorists”. Think of what that means: for Trump, and the fascist movement his regime is cohering, a basic precept is that every Muslim is a “terrorist”. Over 100,000 Afghans have been killed since the U.S. occupation began. The actual number is unknown, and likely far greater. Millions of people have been displaced and rendered homeless by the devastation their country has endured. Now Trump is promising to “lift restrictions and expand authorities in the field” – meaning U.S. forces will be given a free hand in inflicting bloodshed, death, and destruction without even the pretense of restraint or oversight. Trump also threatened Pakistan, and said it must “change immediately” and “demonstrate its commitment to civilization, order and to peace.” In short, it must knuckle under to U.S. domination. Then he announced a Mafioso threat of extortion against India, saying it must “help us more with Afghanistan, especially in the area of economic assistance and development.”
That was Monday.
Day Two: Tuesday, August 22, Trump spoke in Phoenix to a frenzied gathering of his fascist social base. Trump’s first ten minutes seemed to be cohered around calls for unity – a call based on gross nationalism that echoes the Nazi slogan “blood and soil.” Then he diverged from script to decry the “lying press” and anyone else who challenges his agenda. For thirty minutes, he railed against the media (with the exception of Fox News). He accused the press not only of dishonesty, but of being bad, sick people who are culpable for Charlottesville because they called out violent white supremacy as the defining character of the protest. He praised the police and made one of his trademark lies when he said “there aren’t too many people outside protesting”. This while thousands of protesters were enduring police tear gas and pepper spray. Trump stopped short of issuing a pardon to Joe Arpaiao, America’s Most Racist Sheriff, but made clear that Arpaiao would be “just fine.” Trump endorsed the glorification of genocide and slavery embodied in statues of Confederate leaders when he said, “They’re trying to take away our culture. They are trying to take away our history.”
That was Tuesday.
Day Three: Wednesday, August 23, Trump went to an American Legion convention in Nevada and read a scripted speech that spoke of “healing”. He praised the Legionnaires, and told them they embody “the need to preserve the nation’s cultural, moral and patriotic values. You encourage the observation of patriotic holidays. You stress the need to enforce our laws — including our immigration laws. You teach the responsibilities of citizenship and the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance.” He extolled their “sacrifice”, and called for unity. Meaning, come together on the terms set by Trump and the fascist regime he heads: ferocious repression of immigrants; a border wall; untrammeled military aggression and threats, up to the use of nukes; flagrant contempt for women and attacks on reproductive rights; unleashing of and support for violent racist “ground troops” of fascism; police encouraged to be more brutal; unfettered destruction of the environment in pursuit of profit; wholesale assaults on the media, and the civil liberties this country is supposed to represent. In short, come together on the basis of a fascist restructuring of society – or be crushed.
This week Trump has pledged his commitment to implementing his fascist agenda, sooner rather than later. He underscored that he will “not stop until the job is done.”
Despite all the commentators talking about Trump’s ego or his craziness, what is most defining and most dangerous is that the regime he heads is fascist. This regime is remaking laws and the norms of society, with enormous peril to all of humanity and the earth. And for those saying he is a lame duck or on his way out – no, not unless we make it so. There are those in the ruling structure such as James Clapper (the former Director of National Intelligence) who said, “How much longer does the country have to, to borrow a phrase, endure this nightmare?” Views like this indicate openings for advancing a struggle to oust this regime. But people like Clapper cannot be relied on to bring about change. We must act with determination, courage, and conviction, refusing to accept a fascist America and not stopping until the rule Trump and his entire regime ends. Thousands, growing to millions, must act decisively to end this nightmare.
If anyone thinks this fascist juggernaut is being slowed by Charlottesville and its aftermath, get real. And get ready for Nov 4.