In less than a week, it begins; in 19 cities across the country, we will unite with courage and conviction, overcoming fear and uncertainty, to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence regime poses to the world. Only the people acting together in non-violent mass protest, raising the demand that this regime must step down from power, can end this nightmare.
The Millions Start with Us
We are right to do this. For the survival of millions of people around the world, we must do this. For the rights of women to determine the course of their own lives, we must do this. For a future on this planet for all of our children, we must do this. If we don’t want to see white supremacist mob rule, in the government or in the streets, we must do this. For every group that is demonized and targeted by this regime, for whom this regime is already a brutal nightmare, we must do this. Our actions reflect the values of respect for all of humanity and the world we want – in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime.
Everywhere we go, we see a hunger for our message. On different levels, people understand how much is at stake, and when they hear that we in our millions have the power to change the course of history, they express excitement, hope, and gratitude. For every one of those people, there are thousands we haven’t reached, who agonize every day about what to do but have no idea …yet… that there is a movement they can join to end this nightmare.
The fascists themselves completely understand the power of what we’re starting on November 4th. They have issued thousands of vile threats and are desperately mobilizing street thugs to come out and defend their president. They can’t deliver their poison without this terror tactic, and we must never allow that to set the terms for our resistance. These mobs have nothing, not slogans, not symbols, not weapons, and most of all, not a friend in the White House, that is worth our silence.
To everyone who has committed to joining the mass protests on November 4th and continuing until this regime is gone, do not underestimate the significance of this act. Trump, Pence, and their entire vicious cabal do not have the right to bring all of humanity down with their nihilistic program. The millions of people who can be inspired to stand up and say no, every day, everywhere, starts with every one of us, whether we’ve been organizing with Refuse Fascism from the beginning or we just heard about these protests yesterday. Every one of us is an inspiration for others who have not yet overcome their fear, and every one of us is a lifeline to someone who is sickened by the outrages of this regime but thinks they are powerless and alone.
On November 4th, we will be loud, defiant, diverse, and powerful, and we will go forward with all of our creativity and determination to continue raising our demand that the Trump/Pence regime must go. Millions of people refusing to accept a fascist America can stop a catastrophe for humanity. The millions start with us.