Downtown Los Angeles will be off limits to film and TV productions this weekend due to a nationwide Refuse Fascism protest expected to draw tens of thousands of anti-Donald Trump protesters to the city’s center Saturday.

According to FilmLA, the city’s film permit office, “The Los Angeles Police Department, along with nationwide law enforcement in major metropolitan areas, have been preparing for the number of people this event will draw. LAPD officers will be on heightened alert from Friday, November 3rd, through Monday, November 6th. A major police operation will be assigned to the downtown Los Angeles area on Saturday, November 4th.”

The LAPD’s Film Unit will be unavailable for film detail duty from noon PT Friday through Monday at 6 AM PT and will be denying all requests for film activity in the downtown area. News crews, however, will not be restricted.

The Department of Transportation has also been instructed to not allow film-related postings of temporary parking restrictions and lane closures in the area for anything other than First Amendment permits relating to the protest.

The protest is aimed at removing President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from office.

“This regime poses an existential threat to the future of people all over the world and the planet itself,” Refuse Fascism spokesperson Sunsara Taylor said.