By Coco Das
After dark, en masse, we entered the subway at Herald Square and squeezed into a subway car to to go uptown to Trump Tower, where we’d meet up with a contingent from Harlem and raise the giant #OUTNOW letters. Refusing to be silent, still full of defiant exuberance, we continued chanting on the train. TrumpPence Out Now!
Wherever people on that train were coming from, wherever they were going, they encountered a force that could not make peace with the injustices of a fascist regime.
One of our crew spoke up. “When they let the kids out of concentration camps, we’ll shut up.”
Still disapproving, but flustered, the man said, “No one hates Trump more than I do.”
His declaration kept churning in my head. What should I have said to him? What would I have liked to ask him? “What do you hate about Trump? What are you doing to stop him?”
At around 3am, after so many imaginary conversations with him, the lightbulb went on.
At 3 am, in my head, I said to him…
Hundreds who can no longer in their bones adjust to the injustices of this regime joined the #OutNow movement over the last 5 weeks. Humanity needs the rest of you who say you hate this, but we’re not waiting for you. Start catching up, because we’re going to keep making noise and disturbing the air, waking up and shaking up the millions who must become a third force to stop a fascist America. It’s our duty to NOT shut up.