January 11, 2020:
The Iran crisis, the crimes of a fascist regime, the stakes of the impeachment moment, and what must be done… Listen to: We Only Want The World hosted by Refuse Fascism co-initiator Sunsara Taylor
#WeOnlyWantTheWorld on WBAI with @SunsaraTaylor featured interviews with:
- Paul Street, contributor to CounterPunch, #OUTNOW, on Trump’s acts of war vs Iran and the extraordinary danger and qualitative leap to fascism under Trump.
- Andy Worthington (@GuantanamoAndy) on the 18th anniversary of Guantanamo Bay prison where human beings are being held forever without trial.
- Coco Das from the Editorial Board of Refuse Fascism on the continuity between Trump and what came before him in a country founded on slavery, genocide and white supremacy, and the qualitative leap to fascism with horrifying new norms. And the significance of impeachment, the jolt of Trump’s attack on Iran, and the importance of nationwide #OUTNOW protests.