Statement from
Monday September 21
In Cities and Towns Across the Country
No Fascist SCOTUS!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a life-long stalwart fighter for the rights of women. She came to symbolize the hopes of so many who yearn for gender equality.
Her passing intensifies the urgent need to get in the streets to drive out the Trump/Pence regime as we speed toward an election that is being stolen. The outpouring of grief over her death comes with an existential dread of what we face. We must stop the Trump/Pence regime from changing the form of rule into one of fascist terror; cementing a pro-fascist majority on a court that has already begun to erode women’s right to birth control and abortion, legalize discrimination against LGBTQ people, sabotage voting rights, eviscerate the separation of church and state and usher in white supremacist, Christian theocratic control. The Nazi regime remade the courts in the same way, so that by the time they were rounding up people, much of their heinous actions were perfectly legal.
Hours after Ginsburg’s death, Trump and McConnell announced they intend to replace her before the election, an act of howling hypocrisy, since the GOP refused to even meet with Obama’s nomination in 2016 because it was an election year. Any attempt to jam a nominee through the Senate must NOT be allowed.
Millions have hoped that the normal channels can stop the danger of the Trump/Pence regime. But those norms are being incinerated, those channels turn into dead ends. We, who ache at this moment must take the future into our own hands, mobilizing a mass protest movement that fills the public squares across the country to demand the removal of this fascist regime and not stop until our demand is met. With so much at stake, we cannot wait for November to act.
Join Monday September 21 March Against Death, Lies, and Fascism and For Humanity – to demand Trump/Pence Out Now, build momentum towards October daily protests, and get organized to make October OUR month! On October 3 we launch protests EVERY DAY to demand Trump/Pence Out Now, seizing on our power of nonviolent protest, our strength of numbers in the streets, and our responsibility to all humanity. We must turn grief into action, dread into hope, and struggle now with all we’ve got to change the course of history not stopping until the Trump/Pence regime has been driven from power!
We urge individuals and organizations to write to us, we must work together in this historic undertaking: [email protected]
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!