From Carl Dix:
I came down to Philadelphia because I thought it might prove to be Ground Zero in the struggle to stop the rolling fascist coup the Trump/Pence regime has been carrying out for months. I was concerned that the white supremacist forces like the Proud Boys that Trump called on to “stand by” in his 1st debate with Biden would be out trying to intimidate people from voting. That didn’t happen, but Philly may still become Ground Zero in the days to come. Trump has claimed that he has won the election and any attempts to count more mail-in and absentee ballots would amount to cheating him of his victory. He is sending his lawyers into court to press this case, and he may call his white supremacist storm troopers into the streets to back it up. It is urgent that people come out into the streets and stay in the streets to not allow this to happen.
Trying to stop the votes from being counted is a continuation of the election theft Trump has been carrying out for months — making it harder for especially Black, Latino, and Indigenous people to vote; trying to bar states from accepting and ultimately counting mail-in ballots; wrecking the post office so it couldn’t deliver mail-in ballots; intimidating people at polling places and more. This is illegitimate, and it is entirely in line with the illegitimacy of what the Trump/Pence regime has done from the beginning. It’s illegitimate to enact a Muslim ban, to put immigrants into concentration camps, to tear immigrant children from their parents’ arms, to unleash white supremacist storm troopers, and back them up when they attack and even murder protesters, to call for locking up his political opponents.
All this is illegitimate and cannot be allowed to be continued and even intensified. If this regime is able to cling to power, by hook or by crook, the room to stand up and protest against injustice will end up being closed down. We must take to the streets and stay in the streets saying loud and clear: Trump Gotta Go – Trump/Pence Out Now! We must not leave this to the courts or local or state governments to deal with this and make sure the election doesn’t get stolen. Some governors and state legislatures have been part of the regime’s vote-stealing efforts, and the reason Trump was desperate to rush to put another fascist judge on the Supreme court was so she could be part of legitimizing his theft of the election.
We can’t let the fascists have an open field, in the courts, in the offices, or in the streets to barrel ahead with trampling on people’s right to vote and wreaking havoc on humanity. It’s our responsibility to do this, to refuse to accept a fascist America. We have to say this loud and clear and act to make it happen!
For the Future,
Carl Dix
Writing from Philadelphia