The Trump/Pence regime is out of power, but 2021 has shown us that Trumpism – a virulent 21st century fascism based on white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia – is far from defeated. In the wake of the January 6 coup attempt, Trump’s GOP has hardened around the Big Lie and has rapidly advanced attacks on voting rights, abortion, public health, free speech and educational freedom in state houses around the country, while unleashing their mobs to enforce their fascist program with threats and acts of violence. The election of Biden has not eliminated this danger. It has only bought us some time.
Your support is urgently needed to reach millions with Refuse Fascism’s reality-based message and analysis, over the airwaves and in the streets. With your donation to Refuse Fascism, you are pledging your continued determination to stop an American fascism that imperils the people of the world and the earth itself. Lately many more people are using the word “fascism” in relation to Trump, but Refuse Fascism, accurately recognizing the fascist nature of the Trump/Pence regime, has been sounding the alarm and organizing determined non-violent opposition to this fascist program since December of 2016.
This year, with a new mission and growing audience for our podcast, Refuse Fascism has engaged, dialogued, and debated with a broad array of writers, scholars, legal experts, and people from different walks of life on the roots, nature, and trajectory of fascism in this country. Through our engagement and networking with people and social movements, we are forging understanding and relationships aimed at preventing the consolidation of fascism.
Since the founding of, our stand and resolve have not wavered:|
We pledge to the people of the world:
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
Imagine the difference it would make if millions of people – the only force that can actually stop this fascist onslaught – were guided and inspired by a love for all humanity to act with creativity, courage, and determination to wrench the future away from these fascists. Imagine what it will take to break through all the delusions, despair, and confusion out there and turn the tide resolutely against the advancing fascist threat.
Your donation will help us reach the millions who critically need this understanding and clarity of purpose. Take a pledge to the people of the world to refuse to accept a fascist America, and please give generously to this great cause.
Coco Das & Sam Goldman for Refuse Fascism Editorial Board
Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism
Cashapp: @RefuseFascism