April 8, 2023 For immediate release
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credit RiseUp4AbortionRights.org
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Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights: Outrageous & Illegitimate Violation of Women’s Fundamental Right to Abortion

Protests Today & Monday of Mifepristone Decision

Protests of the mifepristone decision listed here and below

Sunsara Taylor, Co-Initiator of RiseUp4AbortionRights.org and Co-Host of the RNL Show said Friday, “The ruling today withdrawing FDA approval of mifepristone by Judge Kacsmaryk is an outrageous and illegitimate violation of women’s fundamental right to abortion and their very humanity. Kacsmaryk has arrogantly replaced scientific expertise about mifepristone with anti-scientific bigotry and violated the very humanity of women by strengthening the hand of the state to force women to bear children against their will. No one should stay silent. Our fury against forced motherhood and female enslavement must ring out!

When the fascists on the Supreme Court overturned women’s constitutional right to abortion last year, they claimed that they were simply returning the question of abortion rights to each state to decide for themselves. This was never legitimate because denying the fundamental right of women to decide for themselves when and whether to have a child anywhere is an assault on women’s status as full human beings everywhere. But this claim by the Court was also untrue.

The Christian fascist assault on abortion rights is determined not to stop until it has ended all access to abortion for all women everywhere. Now, a Trump-appointed fascist judge has effectively banned doctors and providers everywhere in the country from prescribing one of the most common and safe drugs involved in medication abortion (mifepristone), even in states where abortion is legally protected. This is an outrageous violation of women’s rights and lives and must serve as a wake-up call to millions to stand up and fight back.

Forcing women to have children against their will is a form of enslavement. No one should accept a system that sanctions this. I urge everyone who is learning about this outrage to join in unleashing the fury of women in protest in the streets and all who care about justice to fight against this violent misogyny and to lift our sights to a whole different way the world could be through an actual revolution.

Legal Abortion on Demand & Without Apology Everywhere!
Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!

Merle Hoffman, Co-Initiator of RiseUp4AbortionRights.org and Founder/CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Center said on Friday, “Today’s ruling by Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is an intolerable escalation of the concerted Christian fascist assault on women, our bodies, our children and families, and our ability to live free from forced motherhood.There are now no safe places for women and girls in this country.

We refuse to accept a society where physicians and medical practice are turned into an arm of a misogynist state, denying patients the medications and services they need.We refuse to accept a society where women will be prosecuted for homicide for miscarriages and denied emergency medical care when the carry a fetus that could kill them.

It is time for courage, commitment, audacity, daring, persistence, and real struggle to achieve abortion on demand without apology nationwide.

We will stand on these principles for as long as it takes…”

Protests Saturday April 8 Updates listed here
ATLANTA: 6:00 pm @ CNN , Marietta St. & Centennial Olympic Park Drive
AUSTIN: 5:00 pm Texas Capitol. 6 pm march to Federal Plaza
CHICAGO: 2:00 PM, Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn
CLEVELAND: 5:00 pm @ Walgreen’s 11701 Detroit Avenue in Lakewood
D.C. (WASHINGTON DC): 12:00 @ White House Lafayette Square
DETROIT: 1:00 pm Federal Court House, 231 W. Lafayette
HONOLULU: 4:00 pm Federal Building
HOUSTON: 2:00 pm, Walgreen’s Montrose 3317 Montrose
LYNWOOD, WA: 10:00 AM, Walgreen’s 20725 Hwy 99
LOS ANGELES: 5:00 pm Federal Court DTLA, 350 West First Street
MACON GA: 6:00 pm Rosa parks Square (City Hall)
NYC: 6:00 pm Washington Square Park @Arch
PHILLY: 2:00 pm Rittenhouse Square Park
SEATTLE: 5:00 pm 401 Pine Street @ 4th

Protests Monday April 10
BERKELEY: 5:00 pm, Downtown Berkeley BART, 2160 Shattuck Ave.
SAN FRANCISCO: 5:00 PM • In front of Ferry Building, foot of Market Street•One Ferry Building, The Embarcadero
SAN JOSE: 5:00 pm San Pedro Square Market, 87 N San Pedro St