To All who care about justice, humanity, and the future:
As Many and As One, We Demand:
Mahmoud Khalil Must Be FREED NOW!
The arrest, jailing, and threatened deportation of Columbia University graduate, Mahmoud Khalil, for lawful speech and lawful action in support of his beliefs, Must Not Stand. Ordered and celebrated by TRUMP and his Secretary of State, this was nothing less than a Gestapo coming in the dark of night to steal away a political opponent. More arrests have followed.
Khalil’s arrest is a turning point. It is a leap towards the consolidation of a different kind of country – a fascist America. When the rule of law becomes moot – when what is permissible to speak or do is at the say so of Trump and his minions – that must be the wake-up call for us act as one. When the business of the government is bulldozing the rule of law and cementing a fascist order, there must be no business as usual.
When tens of millions of immigrants and refugees face demonization, arrest in the dark of night, detention in horrid conditions, deportation with families torn apart – that is a moment when the humanity, the morality, of everyone is put the test. To stand aside because you are not immediately affected is to lose your humanity and to pave the way for greater horrors. That is the lesson of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.
When universities collaborate with fascist dictates – wiping programs, teaching, debate, and — yes protests — that go against the Trump MAGA fascist program of white supremacy, patriarchy, and xenophobia, then critical thought dies not just at colleges, but soon, all of society. That too is a lesson of Nazi Germany.
THE ARREST of MAHMOUD KHALIL is a TURNING POINT. Should we fail to unite all who aspire to a just society to act now, we will be qualitatively further down the road to a fascist America. Fascism fully imposed is a radically oppressive and repressive form of rule with devastating impact on the people of the world. The rule of law is shredded. Civil and democratic rights are eliminated. Dissent is piece-by-piece criminalized. Truth is bludgeoned. Group after group demonized and targeted along a trajectory that leads to catastrophe…Is this not what’s happening now?
Mahmoud Khalil stood up for the Palestinian people who are suffering one of the most devastating bombardments and deliberate starvations in recent history. The ability to continue not only that just struggle, but all the struggles of people here and around the world against this fascist Trump regime’s many crimes, requires a broad unity that recognizes that we have differences in cause and solution to many things, but that in the name of humanity we cannot, we must not, accept a fascist America.
Over the next 2 weeks culminating on March 27 when Mahmoud Khalil’s hearing is scheduled, our struggle must broaden, deepen and become more determined. Campuses need to roil with people standing up for Mahmoud Khalil and against collaboration with the Trump fascist regime.
Each day should bring more people from all nationalities, races, genders, and all walks of life into the streets and public square. People in every institution – government and non-government need to refuse to cooperate and carry out the illegal and illegitimate orders of the Trump regime, gaining heart from and adding to power of the people in the streets.
Uniting from different viewpoints and perspectives, fostering a collective spirit of courage and righteous fury and willingness to make the necessary sacrifices, for the greater good of freeing Mahmoud Khalil and defeating this fascism, we in our millions can become the force powerful enough to defeat Trump/MAGA fascism.
In The Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America.
The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go! works to unite all who can be united to join in mass, nonviolent protest and resistance in the streets and throughout society, growing to include millions and refusing to stop until we create such a profound political crisis that Trump cannot impose his fascist program or even maintain his hold on power. Join or partner with us today: