Jan 25: The Code Pink activist who dressed as a KKK’er and Michelle from the Revolution Club who were dragged out of the Sessions hearing speak. Sunsara Taylor speaks to the vicious attacks on protests against Trump: Defending the protesters is essential!
Acuerdo Desafiante para Personas que Interrumpieron la Audiencia de Confirmación del Senado de Jeff Sesiones
Defiant Arrangment for People Who Disrupted the Senate Confirmation Hearing of Jeff Sessions 25 de enero: Decenas de personas fueron acusadas de interrumpir la audiencia de confirmación del Senado de Jeff Sessions – una racista – para ser jefe del Departamento de Justicia. Un voluntario del Refuse Fascism que vino de Los Ángeles es entrevistado por Mundo… Read More
Greenpeace: RESIST!
Environmental activists hung this huge banner on a crane near the White House early January 25 “to resist the environmental, economic and racial injustice that Trump and his administration have already laid out and put into practice.”
Emergency Meeting
Emergency Meeting Calling for a Month of Resistance
Trump Fast-tracks Oil Pipeline Completion
This morning Donald Trump cleared the way for fast-tracking completion of two oil pipelines, Keystone XL and Dakota Access. This would be a terrible blow to the climate and environment emergency. It would be an escalation of ongoing genocide and theft of land of Native peoples. Part of his fascist package: Donald Trump is a white supremacist… Read More