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10 DAYS, April 22 – May 1: The end of the first 100 Days of the Trump/Pence Regime.
Protests are called for cities across the country on May 1:
No Work/No School! Strike!
People of all nationalities need to declare ENOUGH! BASTA YA!
Join with Refuse Fascism Contingents to bring the “NO!” into marches in these cities.
Read How to Organize a Refuse Fascism Contingent.
Find May 1st protests in your area here.
The deportations and criminalization of immigrants and refugees by the Trump/Pence Regime is an intolerable outrage. The dehumanization of immigrants is at the core of the Trump/Pence regime’s fascist program. This regime is preparing society for mass round-ups and criminalizing immigrants is part of this fascist juggernaut getting on a roll. We have seen this before and we must say NO! Never Again!
May 1 is critical in its own right, and it is the culmination of 10 Days of Resistance: April 22-May 1. This day, the end of the first 100 Days of the Trump/Pence Regime, can – and must – become a big leap in the movement to drive this fascist regime from office. is calling for people to organize and join mass contingents/large groupings of many thousands of people under the banner of: NO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! Drive Out the Trump/Pence Regime!
Bring into the protests single unifying objective driving the Trump/Pence Regime from power. (See Call to Action.)
What you can do:
** Hook up with a contingent/large gathering in your area, or organize your own.
** Join the coalitions working on May First actions in your city. Unite and work together with a range of people and organizations to make May First actions as powerful as possible. Bring in the message of Refuse Fascism.
** If no May First actions are planned in your area, organize one! If you want help, contact the National Office at (917) 407-1286