UPDATED June, 2018
The follower indictment of the Trump / Pence Regime presents the evidence and makes the case that, in the words of the Call To Action of Refuse Fascism:
This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity,
We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America
Crimes Against Muslims
Stripping Away Civil Liberties, Criminalizing Dissent, and Ramping Up Repression and Terror
Crimes Against People of the World
Waging War on Women and LGBTQ People
White Supremacy, Police Brutality, and Mass Incarceration
Waging War on Truth, Science, and the Environment
Terrorizing and Attacking Immigrants and Refugees
Sharable individual indictments – for social media
NEW! Do It Yourself print-on-any-printer 8 1/2″ x 11″ (two-sides) Indictments:
- Crimes Against Muslims
- Stripping Away Civil Liberties, Criminalizing Dissent, and Ramping Up Repression and Terror
- Crimes Against People of the World
- Waging War on Women and LGBTQ People
- White Supremacy, Police Brutality, and Mass Incarceration
- Waging War on Truth, Science, and the Environment
- Terrorizing and Attacking Immigrants and Refugees
Order 7′ High INDICTMENTS of the Crimes of the Trump/Pence Regime
Get with your Refuse Fascism chapter (if you don’t have one, or aren’t near one, contact the national office). Raise funds. Order, assemble, and recruit people to get out there with these posters!
Print-ready 11″ x 17″ posters of the indictments | Download zip file with all 7| Do-It-Yourself files to print the 7′ high panels: Download DIY posters from Google Docs (PDFs for printing on large posters).

Indicted for Crimes Against Muslims
Muslims and refugees are full human beings, not people to be shunned, banned, and cast out to be swallowed up by oceans and wars.
What they have done:
- Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban is largely in effect, barring almost everyone from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. Source
- The number of refugees allowed entry to the U.S. from targeted Muslim majority countries has significantly declined. The U.S. admitted only 11 Syrian refugees and 36 Iraqi refugees in the first four months of 2018. Source
- Between October 2017 and May 2018, only about 2,100 Muslim refugees from all countries have been let in—about 10% of the rate before Trump. Source
- Exemptions from Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban are nearly impossible to get, including for people seeking to reunite with children, spouses, and parents facing illness and death. A query of 30 immigration lawyers and major advocates nationwide turned up only 25 known waiver recipients. Source
- Trump repeatedly and falsely claimed that he personally saw “thousands and thousands” of people in a largely Muslim Arab area of New Jersey cheer the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. He has never retracted or apologized for his lie. Source
- Trump has packed his cabinet and West Wing with extreme anti-Muslim advisors. For example, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once said, “The threat to America is from people who deeply believe that Islam is the way and the light and the only answer.” Source Source
- Trump said nothing when a 17-year-old abaya-wearing Muslim girl, Nabra
Hassanen, was kidnapped after leaving a Virginia mosque and battered to
death with a metal bat. Source
What they said they will do:
- During his campaign, Trump called for a “complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the country.” Source
- Trump refused to rule out creating a registry for all Muslims. Source
- John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and other members of Trump’s team have ties to an extreme anti-Islam group whose leader advocates reclassifying Islam as an ideology rather than a religion, thus stripping Muslims of Constitutional protections under freedom of religion. Source
- National Security Advisor John Bolton’s Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz co-authored a paper which called for revoking the citizenship of American Muslims who follow Islamic law. Source
What they have unleashed
- In 2017,14 states introduced anti-Sharia law bills; Texas and Arkansas are enacting bills. In addition to inciting Islamophobia, these laws could prohibit activities of Muslims ranging from fasting during religious holidays to getting married in their religious tradition. Source Source
- A candidate for governor in Michigan claims his rival is part of a Muslim plot to start a “civilization jihad.” A South Dakota State Senator described Islam as “a hateful and deadly ideology.” Source Source
- Trump appointed a spokesman for the federal agency in charge of millions of Americans in volunteer services who had a record of anti-Muslim tirades, including: “Go back to your Muslim shithold and go crap in your hands and bang little boys… I just don’t like Muslim people.” He kept his post as until early 2018. Source
- Anti-Muslim extremists rallied in dozens of cities across the country in June 2017 in what they called a “March Against Sharia,” a significant leap in the normalization of anti-Muslim bigotry. Source
- The number of hate crimes against Muslims in the first half of 2017 spiked 91% compared to the first half of 2016. There were 66 attacks on mosques in the U.S. in that period—compared to 84 for the whole of last year. Anti-Muslim hate crimes for 2017 rose 15 percent. Source
- A University of Warwick study reveals that “Trump’s Tweets on Islam-related topics are highly correlated with anti-Muslim hate crime.” Source
- In March 2018, two Arizona women broke into a Mosque, destroyed property, unleashed hateful lies about Muslims and the Islam religion and live-streamed the whole attack on Facebook. Source
- A Trump supporter in Portland, Oregon, murdered two men in 2017 who came to the aid of women he was threatening because one wore a hijab. He shouted, “Muslims should die.” It took Trump 4 days to tweet that the attack was “unacceptable.” Source
- A woman walking on a Milwaukee street in 2017 was confronted by a man who pulled up to her in a car, demanded that she remove her hijab, pulled her to the ground, and slashed at her clothes with a knife. Source
- In August, a bomb exploded at Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota, as people were preparing for morning prayers. A Muslim cemetery in Castle Township, Minnesota, was vandalized with swastikas and graffiti saying “leave u r dead.” Source Source

Indicted for Stripping Away Civil Liberties, Criminalizing Dissent, and Ramping Up Repression and Terror
Fascism rules by organized repression and terror by the government: civil liberties are stripped away, law rewritten, dissent criminalized, the courts packed with fascists, and the separation of powers and of church and state ultimately eviscerated.
What they have done:
- Trump appointed a Christian fascist, Neil Gorsuch, to the Supreme Court, and is one appointment away from packing the court with a solid majority of fascists. Source
- The administration has installed a record-breaking number of judges, reshaping the courts for decades. They include judges who compared abortion to slavery; mocked climate change; defended anti-LGBTQ bigotry; defended racially targeted voter suppression; claimed that transgender children are evidence of “Satan’s plan” and more. These courts get the final word on about 60,000 cases a year. The Supreme Court hears roughly 80. Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly called the press the “enemy of the people” and “fake news.” According to CBS News’ Lesley Stahl, Trump told her he continually bashes the press “to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.” Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly threatened to revoke the licenses of major media outlets that criticize him and to expand libel laws to make it easier to sue the media. Source
- Over 230 protesters arrested at Trump’s inauguration were charged with multiple felonies simply for being present at a demonstration where crimes allegedly took place. More than a year later, 59 people were still facing up to 60 years in prison. Source
- ICE, an agency charged with administering immigration law, is being used as a vehicle for political suppression, targeting immigrant rights leaders for deportation including Ravi Ragbir, Maru Mora Villalpando, Eliseo Jurado, Jean Montrevil, and outspoken DACA recipients. Source
- Trump invoked the possible assassination of Hillary Clinton. Giuliani asserted that Trump could shoot former FBI Director James Comey without facing indictment. This invocation of unbridled violence against political opponents violates long standing norms and emboldens political violence among Trump’s base. Source 1 Source 2
- U.S. agents now search cell phones and other electronic devices of people traveling internationally at a rate four times higher than in 2015. The head of Department of Homeland Security said visitors to the U.S. should be required to give up their online passwords and submit to social media searches. Source
- Trump’s FCC ended net neutrality, removing impediments to monopolization of the internet and subjecting oppositional political content to extreme marginalization and outright censorship. Source
- Trump’s DOJ has pursued three times as many leak investigations as were open at the end of the Obama era. The Obama administration itself prosecuted more leak cases than all previous administrations combined. Source 1 Source 2
- Trump incites hatred and violence against protesters. During his campaign he openly longed for the days when a protester would be “carried out on a stretcher.” More recently, he urged the firing — and possibly removal from the country — of professional athletes who took a knee during the national anthem to protest racialized police violence. Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly denigrated the courts, calling judges who ruled against him “so-called judges” and claiming that a judge’s “Mexican heritage” made him unfit. Trump’s Senior Policy Advisor, Stephen Miller, asserted that the judiciary “has taken far too much power,” and that “the powers of the president to protect our country… will not be questioned.” Source 1 Source 2
- Trump’s pardon of former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio had “the purpose and effect of eviscerating the judicial power to enforce constitutional rights,” according to one of many lawsuits filed against this. Source
What they said they will do:
- Trump asserts his unconditional right to pardon himself. Source
- After Edward Snowden, a government security contractor turned whistleblower, revealed vast U.S. spying on people’s communication, Trump and Pompeo — now the Secretary of State — called for Snowden’s execution. Source
- Trump suggested revoking citizenship and imprisoning people who burn the flag, in violation of Supreme Court protections. Source
- Trump repeatedly threatened political rival Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director James Comey with prison. Source 1 Source 2
What they have unleashed:
- Trump supporters are systematically attacking academic freedom. They have targeted progressive professors with online threats and terror, and fascist goons have gone to campuses to spread hate and attack students and professors. Source
- State legislators in nearly 20 states proposed or passed bills in 2017 that would criminalize and physically endanger protest, including making it legal to run over protesters as long as the driver claimed it was an accident; allowing the government to seize assets of people who participate in or help plan protests that “turn violent;” outlawing mass picketing aimed at blocking access to streets and highways, airports, train tracks, or places of business; and wearing a robe, mask, or other disguise at a protest. Proposed new penalties for protest include fines up to $1,000,000 and up to 10 years in prison. Source
- A Black activist was jailed without bail for five months — in part because of his Facebook posts criticizing police — under the new secretive FBI effort to track “black identity extremists.” Source
- It is now common for Trump supporters to show up and try to intimidate and provoke anti-Trump protesters — often while bearing arms. The National Rifle Association put out inflammatory videos, inciting Trump supporters against anti-Trump protesters. Source
- In an unprecedented move, Trump-loyalists in Congress opened an investigation targeting people in the FBI and DOJ who were investigating possible crimes committed by the Trump campaign. Source
- Reporters are being arrested, physically ejected from government events and assaulted. After Republican Greg Gianforte body-slammed a reporter, Trump hailed his re-election as a “great win.” CNN and AP reporters were physically barred from an EPA meeting. At least six journalists were arrested and charged with felony riot for covering protests during Trump’s inauguration. Source 1 Source 2

Indicted for Crimes Against People of the World
The people of every country are full human beings, and not collateral damage to be subjected to massive bombing, invasions, occupations, the danger of nuclear war, and a program of “America First” that would bludgeon them into submission.
What they have done:
- Trump now has his finger on the nuclear trigger. During his campaign, he asked a foreign policy expert three times: If we have nukes, why can’t we use them? Source
- The U.S. is waging war, in one form or another, in seven countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, and Somalia, killing thousands. The US is carrying out military operations in 80 countries. Source 1 Source 2
- In a major step towards confrontation, Trump broke the Iran Nuclear Deal, despite the lack of any credible evidence that Iran had violated the agreement. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised to “crush” Iran, including through “the strongest sanctions in history.” Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly threatened North Korea with war, including a nuclear holocaust — “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Defense secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis warned of genocide: “The end of [North Korea’s] regime and the destruction of its people.” The June 12 Trump/Kim Summit, which elevated expectations while resolving no fundamental matters, did not meaningfully lessen this danger. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
- Trump’s regime supports and participates in the Saudis’ war in Yemen, which has led to over 14,600 civilian deaths and the largest ever outbreak of cholera since records began with one million infections. A child under the age of five dies of preventable causes every 10 minutes. In June, Saudi-led forces bombed a Doctors Without Borders cholera hospital and launched a massive military assault on the main port through which for food aid enters this country where 8.4 million are on the verge of starvation. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
- Trump provocatively moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. In the days surrounding the opening of this embassy, at least 110 Palestinians were killed and almost 14,000 wounded as Israel opened fire on protesters in Gaza. The dead included six children under the age of 18, reporters and medical workers. Source 1 Source 2
- In Iraq in 2017, U.S.-led forces killed an estimated 40,000 people in their nine-month campaign to take the city of Mosul from ISIS. Much of western Mosul was leveled by 2,000 U.S. air strikes and the 29,000 munitions fired by the U.S.-led coalition. Nearly a million residents were forced to flee and hundreds of thousands remain in refugee camps. After the U.S.- led Iraqi forces took control, there has been torture and summary executions. Source
- Trump sent U.S. warships into waters claimed by China several times, ratcheting up the risk of a military clash. Source
- U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions were reportedly used in the cities of Mosul and Raqqa in Iraq in 2017. White Phosphorus munitions are toxic, stick to the skin, and burn so hot they can create deep third-degree burns. Under international law, they’re banned in populated areas. Source
- Trump’s C.I.A. head, Gina Haspel, ran a secret site that carried out torture through waterboarding. She later ordered the destruction of 92 videotapes to erase any record. During his campaign, Trump boasted that he’d “bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” Source 1 Source 2
- Trump signed an executive order to keep Guantanamo prison open. During his campaign he threatened, “We’re going to load it up with bad dudes.” Source
- Trump’s 2018 military budget is the largest in history – a $61 billion increase over the previous year – for more warships, more jet fighters, more army helicopters and over $1 billion for Trump’s Wall on the Mexico border. Source
- Trump arranged the largest arms sale in U.S. history with Saudi Arabia—$110 billion in tanks, bombs, helicopters, and other equipment immediately, with tens of billions more likely to come. Source
- Trump slammed U.S. borders shut to refugees during the greatest global displacement crisis in history. Over 65 million people — half of them children — are fleeing wars, violence, and persecution. Source
What they have said they will do:
- John Bolton, Pence, and Trump each threatened North Korea with the “Libya model” — referring to the removal of Libya’s government, the murder of its leader, and a resulting humanitarian nightmare, all after the Libyan regime dismantled its nuclear program. Source
- In 2018, Congress approved $11.5 billion for upgrades to make the U.S. nuclear arsenal more “usable” and to provide additional nuclear options on any future battlefield. Source
- Proposed updates to the Authorization of Use of Military Force would give Trump the power to seize anyone on earth, including Americans, simply by asserting that they were associated with an already-named terrorist group. Source
What they have unleashed:
- Trump has backed brutal dictators including Philippines’ president Duterte, who has murdered over 7,000 suspected drug users or dealers; and Egyptian president el-Sisi, who has arrested, imprisoned, or tortured thousands of dissidents. Source
- During the opening of the new U.S. embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, Trump and Pence put extreme Christian fascist ministers on a world stage, one of whom claims that 200 million Muslims want to “come to America or invade Israel to crush it” and that God sent Hitler to drive the Jewish people to Israel. Source
- Under the banner of America-First, Trump has repeatedly unilaterally ended or defied international agreements and judicial bodies, increasing the danger of global conflict and war. Source

for Waging War on Women and LGBTQ People
Women and LGBTQ people are full human beings, not objects to be degraded, brutalized, demeaned, victimized, and denied their fundamental right to control their reproduction, and how they choose to live.
What they have done:
- Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch — vetted by Christian fundamentalists whose core issue is overturning Roe v. Wade — to the Supreme Court. Source
- Trump imposed a “Global Gag Rule,” denying funds to NGOs that perform or even refer women to abortion services. This cut $7 billion from care related to HIV, malaria, Zika, and maternal and child health and will cause an estimated 130,000+ deaths. Source
- Trump’s Health and Human Services appointees Alex Azar and Diane Foley are anti-abortion extremists who oppose all birth control and promote “abstinence-only.” They determine healthcare policy affecting millions of women. Source Source Source
- Trump overturned federal guidelines that mandated transgender students have the right to use public restrooms that match their gender identity. Source
- A dozen cabinet members attend weekly fundamentalist Biblical literalist study classes hosted by Pence on Capitol Hill that teach that women with children should not work outside the home and homosexuality is a sin. Source
- The Christian fundamentalist head of Office of Refugee Resettlement, Scott Lloyd, ordered that all decisions about teenage detainees seeking abortion go through him personally. Several women detainees were only able to get abortions after repeated legal challenges. Source
- Jeff Sessions ordered immigration judges to stop granting asylum to victims of domestic abuse. Source
- Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women: “Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” Source
- Trump has repeatedly placed men in high positions in his campaign or government despite, and without serious inquiry into, credible accusations of violence against women. And at least 19 women have accused Trump himself of sexual violations ranging from groping to rape. Source
- Trump expanded religious and moral exemptions to the Affordable Care Act, allowing more businesses to deny women contraceptive coverage. Source
- The Supreme Court upheld the “right” of a bakery to refuse to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, expanding the ability of businesses to discriminate by invoking religious freedom. Source
- Trump overturned a federal requirement that companies comply with laws against gender or sexual orientation discrimination in order to receive federal contracts. This was the only protection LGBTQ people had against discrimination in hiring in over half of U.S. states. Source
- The Office of National AIDS Policy website was taken down the day Trump took office. There has been no replacement. Source
- In his first year, Trump granted more one-on-one interviews to the Christian Broadcast Network whose mission is to prepare the world “for the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth,” than to The Washington Post, The New York Times, or The Associated Press. Source
What they said they will do:
- Trump proposed a “Domestic Gag Order” that would cut federal funding for clinics that perform or even refer women to abortion services. This would cut potentially life saving services for 4 million women. Source
- Betsy DeVos, head of the Dept of Education, has been a major patron of theocrats who openly demand the replacement of public secular education with a “Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.” Source
- Trump “joked” that Mike Pence wants to hang all gay people. Source
- Trump tweeted that he intended to ban transgender people from serving in the military. Policies have begun to implement that ban. Source
- Trump appointed Robert Redfield to head the Centers for Disease Control. During his military career Redfield isolated soldiers who tested HIV positive in special barracks where they were treated as prisoners, and said “that might work in the civilian sector, as well.” Source
What they have unleashed:
- In the first half of 2017, Republicans in six states proposed laws to ban all abortions, and in 28 states introduced bills banning abortions under some circumstances. Source
- The 2018 “tax reform” bill defined fetuses at “any stage of development” as people for purposes of tax-free accounts for their education. This is the first use of federal tax law to impose a legal category of an “unborn child.” Source
- Christian nationalists are proposing over 70 laws imposing Christian religion as law, including allowing public schools to post “In God We Trust” on walls and allowing businesses and government employees to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Source

Indicted for White Supremacy, Police Brutality, and Mass Incarceration
Black and Latino people are full human beings, not people to be denied the right even to live, gunned down by the police with impunity, incarcerated in genocidal numbers, and denied basic rights.
What they have done:
- Attorney General Jeff Sessions told prosecutors to bring maximum charges and penalties for nonviolent drug offenders — reversing policies aimed at reducing them — when 2.3 million people, disproportionately Black and Latino, are incarcerated. Source
- An estimated 4,645 deaths in Puerto Rico have been linked to Hurricane Maria, largely due to Trump’s gross neglect. Hurricane Maria caused far greater damage than Hurricane Harvey which hit Texas weeks earlier. Yet, in the nine critical days following each hurricane, FEMA provided three times as many meals and more than 22 times as much individual assistance to Texas as it did to Puerto Rico. It took FEMA 10 days to approve permanent disaster work for Texas, compared with 43 days for Puerto Rico. Trump lashed out at Puerto Rican leaders as “politically motivated ingrates” and complained that the Puerto Rican people, “want everything done for them.” Source
- Sessions is moving to end consent decrees with cities aimed at addressing egregious racial profiling, brutality and murder by police. Source 1 Source 2
- After armed white supremacists and Nazis marched and murdered counter-protester Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, VA, Trump said “both sides” included “very fine people.” He lashed out at people fighting to remove Confederate monuments, saying, “They’re trying to take away our culture.” Source 1 Source 2
- Trump’s deregulation and budget cuts will disproportionately harm African Americans with attacks ranging from raising minimum rent in public housing by up to 300% (48% of residents are black) to delaying protection against dumping lead in waterways (11% of African American children have lead poisoning, compared to 2% of white children). Source 1 Source 2
- On the eve of his election, Trump insisted that the Central Park 5 “still belonged in prison,” years after they had been fully exonerated. In the 1990s Trump demanded the death penalty for these wrongly accused Black and Latino teenagers. Source
- Trump championed the racist “birther” conspiracy theory that depicted the first African-American president as illegitimate and never apologized. Source
- Speaking to an audience of police, Trump encouraged them to brutalize suspects, celebrating how suspects are frequently “thrown in, rough” into paddy wagons. He urged, “Please don’t be too nice.” Source
- As part of an orchestrated campaign to disenfranchise Black and Latino voters, Trump made unsubstantiated accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2016 election. His DOJ intervened to defend voter suppression including a Texas voter ID law and a purge of registered voters in Ohio. Source
- Under Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education ended investigations of civil rights abuses in public schools. Black students make up 15.5 % of public school students and nearly 40% of suspensions. Source
- Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and is cutting Bears Ears Monument by 85%, threatening more than 100,000 Native American archeological and cultural sites, endangering water, and sabotaging treaty rights. Source 1 Source 2
- The FBI Domestic Terrorism Analysis Unit invented a new category of threat, “Black Identity Extremist” which will target Black activists and movements for exposing and protesting racialized police violence. Source
What they said they will do:
- Trump declared he will end the Affordable Care Act, which would result in an estimated 217,000 additional deaths over the next decade and 22 million more people without health insurance hitting poor, Black, Latino and Native American people hardest. Source
- A proposed “Back the Blue Act” would make it harder to sue for damages for unjustified police violence, and impose severe mandatory minimum sentences for causing “injuries” to police as minimal as a bruise or temporary pain. Source
What they have unleashed:
- Trump lashed out at NFL players who take a knee in protest during the national anthem, calling them “son[s] of bitch[es]” and glorying in the idea of them being fired. Even after the NFL banned the protests, Trump declared that players who protested maybe “shouldn’t be in the country.” Source
- Trump’s election sparked an epidemic of lynching nooses across the country. Source
- After Black Texas congressman Al Green said that Trump should be impeached, he was flooded with telephone threats including, “You’re not going to impeach anybody, you fucking nigger. You’ll be hanging from a tree.” Source
- California police worked actively with white supremacists to identify and bring charges against anti-racist protesters. Source
- Racist white people have been emboldened to call police on people of color — a Black woman napping in her dorm common room at Yale; two Black men for sitting in Starbucks; on Native American students for looking “odd” during a college tour. Source

Indicted for Waging War on Truth, Science, and the Environment
People need facts, evidence, and science, not institutionalized lying, enforced ignorance and incapacity to think critically to solve urgent challenges confronting humanity and existential threats to the environment.
What they have done:
- Trump withdrew from the Paris international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions, he repeatedly called climate change a “hoax,” and half his cabinet are climate change deniers. Source Source 2 Source 3
- Thirty-three environmental regulations have been overturned, 24 rollbacks are in progress, and 10 more rollbacks were undertaken but in limbo. Source
- The regime released a list of 860 environmental rules it’s reviewing or withdrawing— including drinking water standards for radon and lead levels, water quality standards on Indian reservations, ozone and methane emission limits, and air-quality standards for hazardous chemicals. Just ten of those standards save more than 10,000 lives and prevent 300,000 cases of illness and injury each year. Source
- As of June 1, 2018, Trump has publicly told 3,251 false or misleading claims, averaging six and a half every day since coming into office. Source
- When confronted with demonstrable lies about the size of Trump’s inaugural crowd, Kellyanne Conway, counselor to Trump, rebranded lies as “alternative facts.” Source
- The EPA and Depts of Energy, Agriculture and Health and Human Services all removed the term “climate change” from their websites. The EPA issued “talking points” to its workers instructing them on how to downplay climate change. Source 1 Source 2
- The Center for Disease Control was “advised” to avoid using the words “vulnerable,” “diversity,” and entitlement,” in a Health and Human Services document. The words “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” were also discouraged. Source
- Trump is the first president since 1941 not to name a science adviser. There are no longer chief scientists at either the Dept of State or the Dept of Agriculture. Trump dismantled advisory committees that traditionally provide scientific input on health and the environment from experts. Source 1 Source 2
- Pence refuses to acknowledge evolution, one of the most foundational and proven facts of science. Source
- Trump approved the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines, which will increase fossil fuel emissions, accelerate global warming, and violate the rights and lives of Native people. Source
- Trump reduced the size of two national monuments in Utah by some two million acres, the largest rollback of federal land protection in the nation’s history, opening them to mining and drilling and endangering rare species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Source
- Trump’s White House canceled a NASA program which tracked global greenhouse gas emissions, making it more difficult to even monitor global changes to the environment. Source
What they say they’re going to do:
- The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced plans to open virtually all U.S. coastal waters and the Arctic to oil and gas drilling and roll back protections put in place after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, which killed 11 workers and spewed 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Source
- The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers proposed rescinding the 2015 Clean Water Rule, a move which would end drinking water safeguards for one in three people in the U.S. Source
- Scott Pruitt told coal industry lobbyists that he was preparing to convene a team to undermine the overwhelming consensus among climate scientists that carbon dioxide and other fossil fuel emissions are the primary drivers of climate change. Source
- The EPA announced it will roll back requirements that carmakers boost fuel efficiency and cut greenhouse gas emissions for passenger cars. Source
- The EPA proposed weakening standards aimed at reducing potent greenhouse gas that trap heat and contribute to climate change and Volatile Organic Compounds which can damage the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. Source
What they’ve unleashed:
- Statehouses across the country have introduced a wave of bills allowing the teaching of creationism and climate change denial in schools’ curricula. Source
- In 2018, Idaho stripped climate change from school guidelines. Source
- In speeches and tweets, Trump falsely claims there is a connection between vaccination and autism, promoting conspiracy theories that threaten to allow previously contained communicable diseases to resurface with terrible consequences. Source 1 Source 2

Indicted for Terrorizing and Attacking Immigrants and Refugees
Immigrants are full human beings, not “illegals” or criminals, to be demonized, terrorized, hunted down, locked up, and thrown out.
What they have done:
- One of Trump’s first acts in office was an executive order targeting all 11 million undocumented immigrants for deportation, regardless of any supposed criminal record. Source
- ICE made 37,734 non-criminal arrests in the 2017 fiscal year, more than twice the number in the previous year. Source
- Immigrants who would have been low-priority before are now being detained, including a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy on her way to emergency surgery; parents in a hospital as their baby awaited surgery; a woman in Texas inside a courthouse who had just obtained a protective order against an abusive boyfriend. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
- From early May to early June 2018, at least 2,342 immigrant children were torn from their parents and shipped to detention “camps” around the country under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. Source 1
- Most of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban is in effect. The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. plummeted from over 12,000 in 2016 to 11 in the first half of 2018. Source
- Trump moved to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals which protected approximately 690,000 “Dreamers” (immigrants brought to the U.S. as children) from deportation. Federal judges have temporarily blocked this. Source 1
Source 2 - Trump is threatening to cut billions of federal dollars from sanctuary cities to blackmail them into turning their government agencies into the arms of the ICE detention and deportation apparatus. ICE has unleashed immigration raids in retaliation against sanctuary cities, arresting 498 in one four day period. Source 1 Source 2
- Jeff Sessions ordered immigration judges to stop granting asylum to victims of domestic abuse. Source
- Trump pardoned ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio, infamous for mass torture and humiliation of immigrants in his jails and convicted of defying a court order to stop racial profiling of Latinos. Source
- Trump said immigrants from Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti are from “shithole countries” while calling for more immigrants from (white) countries “like Norway.” Source
- Trump cancelled Temporary Protected Status for Haitians, Nicaraguans, Sudanese, Hondurans, and Salvadorans. Hundreds of thousands of people could be sent back to violence and death. Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly referred to immigrants as “animals” and likened them to “snakes.” This echoes language Hitler used to refer to Jewish people. Source 1 Source 2
What they said they will do:
- Already more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors are being held in detention centers. The U.S. government is reportedly planning to build tent cities to house thousands of migrant children separated from their families. Source
- Xenophobic, vitriolic chants of “Build that wall!” became a fixture of Trump’s campaign. Trump continues to declare: “We need the Wall.” Source
- Trump announced plans to revoke the ability to work from spouses of H-1B visa recipients (skilled workers). This will drive tens of thousands of people – mostly women from India – out of the workforce, make life financially untenable for their families, and force many children to leave the country when they turn 21. Source
- Trump suggested the 14th Amendment that made freed slaves citizens could be changed, so that children of immigrants who are born in the U.S. would not be citizens. Source
- Trump suggested eliminating courts altogether when dealing with immigration: “Whoever heard of a system where you put people through trials?” Source 1 Source 2
What they have unleashed:
- ICE conducted 3,410 workplace inspection raids to arrest undocumented workers between October 2017 and May 2018. This figure is double the 1,716 operations conducted in fiscal year 2016. Source
- There has been a surge of anti-immigrant violence, including: Srinivas Kuchibhotla, an immigrant from India, was murdered in Kansas by a white man shouting, “Get out of my country;” A Latino man in Lansing, Michigan was attacked by thugs who yelled, “Trump doesn’t like you,” and stapled a note on his stomach saying, “Go back to Mexico, wetback.” Source 1 Source 2
- Under Trump, the death rate of people attempting to cross the border increased by over 40%. Source
- States are also passing anti-immigrant laws. For example a law signed by the Texas governor requires that local law enforcement detain a person they suspect of being undocumented until their immigration status is checked—the law effectively bans sanctuary sites and campuses in the state. Source
- Trump created a new government office under Homeland Security, called VOICE, which will “publicize” supposed crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. This anti-immigrant propaganda office is part of whipping up a climate of hatred and terror against immigrants. Source
This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
#TrumpPenceMustGo RefuseFascism.org @RefuseFascism