Immigrants are full human beings, not “illegals” or criminals, to be demonized, terrorized, hunted down, locked up, and thrown out.
UPDATED June, 2018
The following is one of seven parts of an indictment of the Trump/Pence regime, presenting the evidence and making the case that this is an illegitimate, fascist regime that poses an existential threat to humanity and the planet. In the words of the Call to Action from Refuse Fascism:
This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America
Indicted for Terrorizing and Attacking Immigrants and Refugees
What they have done:
Study, share, be part of waking and shaking up people with these indictments of the Trump/Pence Regime, for:
- Crimes Against Muslims
- Stripping Away Civil Liberties, Criminalizing Dissent, and Ramping Up Repression and Terror
- Crimes Against People of the World
- Waging War on Women and LGBTQ People
- White Supremacy, Police Brutality, and Mass Incarceration
- Waging War on Truth, Science, and the Environment
- Terrorizing and Attacking Immigrants and Refugees
- One of Trump’s first acts in office was an executive order targeting all 11 million undocumented immigrants for deportation, regardless of any supposed criminal record. Source
- ICE made 37,734 non-criminal arrests in the 2017 fiscal year, more than twice the number in the previous year. Source
- Immigrants who would have been low-priority before are now being detained, including a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy on her way to emergency surgery; parents in a hospital as their baby awaited surgery; a woman in Texas inside a courthouse who had just obtained a protective order against an abusive boyfriend. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
- From early May to early June 2018, at least 2,342 immigrant children were torn from their parents and shipped to detention “camps” around the country under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. Source 1
- Most of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban is in effect. The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. plummeted from over 12,000 in 2016 to 11 in the first half of 2018. Source
- Trump moved to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals which protected approximately 690,000 “Dreamers” (immigrants brought to the U.S. as children) from deportation. Federal judges have temporarily blocked this. Source 1
Source 2 - Trump is threatening to cut billions of federal dollars from sanctuary cities to blackmail them into turning their government agencies into the arms of the ICE detention and deportation apparatus. ICE has unleashed immigration raids in retaliation against sanctuary cities, arresting 498 in one four day period. Source 1 Source 2
- Jeff Sessions ordered immigration judges to stop granting asylum to victims of domestic abuse. Source
- Trump pardoned ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio, infamous for mass torture and humiliation of immigrants in his jails and convicted of defying a court order to stop racial profiling of Latinos. Source
- Trump said immigrants from Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti are from “shithole countries” while calling for more immigrants from (white) countries “like Norway.” Source
- Trump cancelled Temporary Protected Status for Haitians, Nicaraguans, Sudanese, Hondurans, and Salvadorans. Hundreds of thousands of people could be sent back to violence and death. Source 1 Source 2
- Trump has repeatedly referred to immigrants as “animals” and likened them to “snakes.” This echoes language Hitler used to refer to Jewish people. Source 1 Source 2
What they said they will do:
- Already more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors are being held in detention centers. The U.S. government is reportedly planning to build tent cities to house thousands of migrant children separated from their families. Source
- Xenophobic, vitriolic chants of “Build that wall!” became a fixture of Trump’s campaign. Trump continues to declare: “We need the Wall.” Source
- Trump announced plans to revoke the ability to work from spouses of H-1B visa recipients (skilled workers). This will drive tens of thousands of people – mostly women from India – out of the workforce, make life financially untenable for their families, and force many children to leave the country when they turn 21. Source
- Trump suggested the 14th Amendment that made freed slaves citizens could be changed, so that children of immigrants who are born in the U.S. would not be citizens. Source
- Trump suggested eliminating courts altogether when dealing with immigration: “Whoever heard of a system where you put people through trials?” Source 1 Source 2
What they have unleashed
- ICE conducted 3,410 workplace inspection raids to arrest undocumented workers between October 2017 and May 2018. This figure is double the 1,716 operations conducted in fiscal year 2016. Source
- There has been a surge of anti-immigrant violence, including: Srinivas Kuchibhotla, an immigrant from India, was murdered in Kansas by a white man shouting, “Get out of my country;” A Latino man in Lansing, Michigan was attacked by thugs who yelled, “Trump doesn’t like you,” and stapled a note on his stomach saying, “Go back to Mexico, wetback.” Source 1 Source 2
- Under Trump, the death rate of people attempting to cross the border increased by over 40%. Source
- States are also passing anti-immigrant laws. For example a law signed by the Texas governor requires that local law enforcement detain a person they suspect of being undocumented until their immigration status is checked—the law effectively bans sanctuary sites and campuses in the state. Source
- Trump created a new government office under Homeland Security, called VOICE, which will “publicize” supposed crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. This anti-immigrant propaganda office is part of whipping up a climate of hatred and terror against immigrants. Source