We delivered body bags to Terminal Island Federal Correctional Prison indicting the Trump/Pence fascist regime for the high rate of cases & the 5 latest deaths
This regime poses a catastrophic danger to all of humanity#trumpPenceoutnow #COVID__19 #stopthismassdeathsentancenow pic.twitter.com/Hle6BjCwu5
— Trump/Pence Must Go NOW—#OutNow (@RefuseFascism) May 3, 2020
On May 2, the Revcoms along with Refuse Fascism car caravaned to Terminal Island Federal Prison, one day after the “Re-Open” rallies took place, where here in California, two futures faced off, with the Trump MAGA, anti-science fascists fully displaying their ignorance, their white supremacy, and their misogyny; and with the Revcoms, uniting with Refuse Fascism’s righteous struggle to oust this fascist regime through mass nonviolent mobilization, because of the real danger this regime poses to humanity and the planet.
Terminal Island Federal Prison is where 70% of inmates have tested positive for COVID-19. The car caravan went through neighborhoods of South Central Los Angeles before heading to the prison, where they did a social distance protest in front of the prison because it concentrates the situation in prison, jails, and detention centers all over this country where people are disregarded, cast off and where we could be about to witness the death penalty being given to thousands in America’s prisons. The 2.3 million people locked down in America’s prisons (about 60 percent Black or Latino) are being forced to face the deadly coronavirus without consistent access to soap and water, without masks, with no ability to do “social distancing.” Many whose crimes were as petty as drug use or stealing a bicycle, and many who haven’t been convicted but just can’t pay bail. And all of whom are human beings now facing mass death if things continue as they are.