From among the thousands of signers of the Pledge to the People of the World
- I think I simply cannot avoid the undeniable truth any longer: we are a nation run by fascists. It is deadly folly to think that 1930’s Germany cannot be repeated.
- This is the most urgent moment in world history because of the dire threats of global warming and potential nuclear annihilation. We must continue to fight.
- We are dying because an immoral regime is being enabled and encouraged to invalidate a freely held election. This regime must go now!
- Trump/Pence have been a blight on humanity. Their viciousness, racism, misogyny, degradation of our environment, and pandemic death machine mark them as criminals of the worst kind.
- I sign this pledge because I strongly believe that we, the people, are the only ones who can raise our voices in protest against this fascist regime.
- Trump is assaulting us by his actions and as we see he is dismantling America. He is trying to destroy democracy and launch his supporters into mayhem.
- I have been so low, gutted, devastated by the Trump fascist regime, we must make it stop!!
- We the people have rights. Granted by the Constitution. Nonviolent direct action was how this country was founded. Peaceful protest. We will stand up.
- In solidarity with my parents and grandparents I am against fascism.
- Imagine at age 77 of being surprised at the images & sounds of brave young people taking on the police & white supremacists day & night unrelentingly in the streets of Amerikka! These breathtaking actions of black, white, latino, native americans shook up the powers that be and inspired the youth of the world!
- I have been calling this Fascist regime by name for 4 years. We have only just avoided by this election, a disaster with in a hairsbreath of a loss of all we hold dear.
- We need to get rid of MORE than Trump and Pence. They have a whole “gang” like the mafia who answers to them.
- “I’m doing this in memory of a pretty 14-year old Jewish girl called Anne Franks, who died long before her time, and had more right to live then, than I do now. This is why I feel the need to fight this endless war against fascism. For her, and all the other innocents who lost their lives to this evil ideology.
- Not to resist is to collaborate
- Thank you for everything! My heart hurts, my head hurts, my soul hurts. I want better for us. I want truth to matter. I want our dignity back. I want goodness. I want my grandchildren to have safe water and air. I want, want, want…………. I will do whatever it takes to get our country back!!
- “We must stand up for liberty, for justice.
- We cannot allow Fascism to take over our country, for if we did, so many who gave their lives in WWII would have been for naught. “
- In the eyes of the Democracy in which we live in the USA, #45 has LOST this election. If he won’t leave with even a modicum of dignity, he must be REMOVED and prosecuted for his myriad of heinous crimes against citizens of the USA and the world at large!
- The mainstream press muffles the reality and danger of American fascism represented by Trump, and the Democratic Party old guard still speaks (unbelievably) of “reaching across the aisle.” Here’s to a movement that calls truth by its proper name and mobilizes to rid the land of this threat to life.
- I’m tired of seeing Trump suck up to the world’s dictators while trying to do an end-run around our election procedures.
- This is the most urgent moment in world history because of the dire threats of global warming and potential nuclear annihilation. We must continue to fight.
- My anxiety has been constant since November 2016. I protested for the first time when “it” came to Duluth MN, I and few others were threatened with arrest by some men claiming we couldn’t be on public property, crowded our space saying we could stand at the entrance. I am so sick of the blatant lies, the bulling. Last night he threatened Minnesota as a home for refugees. I’m proud for the most part of Minnesota. Pete Stauber can get out also! Please don’t let them pollute our Lakes and soil. Peace Beth
- We must resist – Trump is NOT giving up his tyrannical control! We must drive him out – -people think it is done and it clearly is not!
- HEy Trump, don’t cheat or try to steal this election. AND DON’T START ANY WARS TO TRY AND SWAY THE ELECION!!!
- We should not negotiate with fascists. Behaving as if they are a legitimate faction worthy of having a voice in our democracy is dangerous. We must have the uncomfortable conversations with each other that we have been refusing to engage in for the last 50 years. When you view the world with an understanding of the tactics used by fascists, it is very easy to spot them.
- My parents lived through two fascistic periods of control. They fled; as did many to the USA for security and prosperity. We need to be vigilant that our country remains peacefully democratic; even if we must ever win this principle against those that cannot tell the difference.
- Have the page on my kitchen wall but unable to contribute $. Sorry!
- This strategy has been necessary ever since Trump announced his candidacy and sought advice from right wing fascists
- I will not live under a fascist regime. Trump needs to concede NOW
- As a Canadian that’s been living in fear, with a horrifying understanding of what’s at stake with another 4 years of Trump, I needed to see a movement like this exists.
- I am a social engineer helping defeat Trump Crimes against USA democracy and our humanity.
- This rampage of corruption, racism, and inhumanity must stop, we will overcome their foul plays and trickery.
- Don’t forget that we are fighting capitalist monster with two heads: Republican/Trump and Democrat/Biden. And it has lots of not yet mature heads waiting in the wings. We are fighting for more than “democracy” – which we can do better than.
- The Trump administration has continuously attacked the very institutions we pay for and has been at war with the American people for four years. Our role in the world has diminished, our public trusts have been pillaged, our environmental protections have been deconstructed, our law enforcement institutions have been turned against the American people and our basic values of equality has been corrupted by dangerous rhetoric from the Trump administration white house.
- This is a horrifying and dangerous moment in this country. Fascism is consolidating. Do you really want to live in a country that threatens all of humanity? Act now on your moral compass! We the people in the belly of the beast MUST stand up!!!!!
- #CountEveryVote even those USPS Postmaster Genral DeJoy deliberately held up being delivered, in hope they would not be counted. The GOP kept trying to limit the time allowed for counting in many lawsuits. Now Trump LIED again declaring himself the victor & is trying promote distrust & violence to destabalize our democracy. That right there should be impeachable. #REALITYmatters
- I just saw this tonight. Is it too late to record for you?
- Amerikkka is lurching into a dangerous theocratic fascism. The entire world is concerned about this hard right push by a very small minority of “Nazi” leaning republicans. All republicans must be defeated and removed from governmental offices, for the sake of America and the world.
- There was actually a world war waged to defeat fascism. It looks like Amerikkka has taken up the mantle of Nazi Germany, and is building a Fourth Reich. Better wake up People.
- Get rid of the damned nazis!
- Trump is an existential threat to the entire planet and must be removed from power.
- We have refused Fascisim since WWII. We need to make sure it doesn’t get more power now.
- Thank you moms and grand mothers and grand daughters everywhere for being strong. The rapist King has no clothes.
- Trump and Pence were legally defeated at the ballot box. We’ve had enough and we demand they leave.
- My late Grandfather jumped out of perfectly good airplanes to stop the fascist scourge, we must honor him-and ourselves-by doing all we can to stop its spread everywhere!
- Democracy is at risk of being eroded in America. All those fighting to maintain the freedom of their country will have the support of the rest of the world. We stand with you in this fight
- As it was in the 20th century, fascism is dangerous for all. We cannot allow it to infect the current millennium. Fascism has no place in America, or in any country. A legitimate government serves the people and with fairness and equality. The “world beacon” of freedom and democracy cannot, and will not, fall to this threat.
- Fellow Americans: This is no time to cower in fear, fail to vote or peacefully speak out & protest the racist, misogynist, White Supremacists that pervade the highest levels of this government. Trump-Pence-Barr and Stephen Miller are the most obvious, visible representatives of this “Deep State” cabal ruling this country. They MUST BE STOPPED NOW before it’s too late for democracy, the peoples of all nations & the planet!!!
- In our resistence to this immoral and power crazed Trump-Pence regime, we are inspired by the people of Hong Kong, Belarus and other brothers and sisters throughout the world who are unwilling to lose their freedom to dictators. We are in solidarity with them.
- This hateful liar needs to be stopped right now! The whole world is sick and tired of him. Stop this! Now!!!
- We all need to save this country from a demented fascist tyrant and his cohorts that support him.
- We will have to be mobilized after the election. This election is going to be, in all likelihood stolen, like the previous two elections for President. If we want a government representing the people we are going to have to fight for it.
- Thank you for allowing this pledge to go global. In Scotland, I’m disgusted, as is everyone I know, by Trump’s hideous behaviour.
- Retired LAUSD teacher: Attacks on science risk our planet and our species.
- The Civilized Intelligent people, want Unity. We’ve had more than enough of Trump and Family.
- I thank you for organizing this petition and movement and pray that this big baby will start the transition and concede. This is a serious matter at hand!
- This outrage shows that we still have work to do in driving out this illegitimate, fascist regime.
- I am hopeful that there is now, an organized and committed effort to fight fascism.
- We are a German/American family and all grew up by being taught our whole life that what happened in German history should never happen again and are horrified by what happened in the last 4 years and right now after the election!
- ENOUGH of the blatant disregard for the law and for our Constitution. Trump must GO! All those that enable him must GO! NOW!
- He may have lost but he’ll keep on trying to try to undermine the process starting with Emily Murphy. We need to stop him
- I was born in the rubble that was Germany when the fascists got through with it, and will resist this barbarity until my dying breath.
- “I am an antifascist to my last breath!
- Donald Trump read Hitler’s speeches and lied about it. Trump knew nothing about the Constitution until advisors informed him. IT Trump’s key to the White House is understanding Hitler’s spellbinding, demagogic method of inducing mass psychosis. That he follows Hitler, the most infamous of fascists, proves Trump is a fascist, if quoting Mussolini, who defined modern fascism, is not enough proof Trump is a fascist and anyone who follows Trump is what he is!”
- Get this guy out of our house.
- Lots of work to do to recover from 45 and the abuses that lead us here. So glad people are fired up. Let’s keep it going!
- We dont need more segregation we need cooperation and solidarety!
- Regardless of the election results, even definitive as they are, the nightmare of Trump’s presidency isn’t over until he leaves office. Whether voluntarily or by force, it must happen ASAP before Trump can do any further irreparable damage to the integrity of our national institutions, while we still have some chance to move forward with our stability in tact. Thank you for creating this petition! Let’s continue the pressure until Congress and the media step up once and for all.
- My grandfather did not die fighting fascism in WWII so that some two bit punk, lying, racist, con-artist, can start it here now.
- Refusing to accept Trump closing down or shutting off or refusing to accept popular democratic results means overthrow of his illegitimate regime! (nonviolently as possible of course)
- We must rise up to beat down nonviolently & overthrow this regime should it continue its coup machinations to refuse the will of the people whatever that may be. We will never be a compliant official opposition but rather a very uncivil occupation/general strike/boycott in total resistance 24/7.
- I may not be in the streets every day, but heart is there with those who do. I wish everyone who is able can take to the streets. Millions and more millions here and abroad.
- “I choose hope over fear.
- Unity over division.
- Love over hate.
- Humanity could accomplish so much if we all pulled together in the same direction. Yes, we will always have differences of opinion, but what matters is that we learn, move forwards and evolve. Without this simple foundation, I fear our time on this beautiful, fragile blue orb we inhabit may be far more limited than any of us can imagine.
- The 21st century beckoned us all with such promise, yet we make the same mistakes time and time again, we plunder resources, we balk at sustainability unless it’s of the financial kind, and we continue to disrespect and rape the lands of Indigenous peoples, stripping them of both their resources and their cultural heritage.
- Let us move forward, together. This is my dream for a future I will not live to see. One where we eventually reach out beyond our planet, and when we do, my hope is that the mistakes we made here will only be transferred elsewhere in stories of old and lessons learned. Think big, dream bigger, and embrace possibility as a force for change. “
- Lived in the U, S, from age 10 to 35. Long running activism aside, i am sure this informs the intensity of my investment , though do not underestimate the many, many people in Canada and many other countries -travel and have lived abroad for several years- the investment people have globally in the renewal or continued climb towards true democracy in the U,S. Thank you for your efforts,
- America does not have a king! America was specifically founded to not allow Kings and dynasties to take power! Refuse fascism!
- POR LA REVOLUCIONSOCIAL DE LA HUMANA-HUMANIDAD PROLET-POPULAR Y P.YM.-B. ( peque√±a y mediana burgues√≠as venidas a menos mundiales,…¬°¬°¬°¬°.VENIDAS A MENOS ¬°¬°¬°¬°.
- We all know the horrors when we saw Germany go to Hitler and nazism rise/ It didn’t take long before the atrocities began. We must unify against the fascism that we see is rising here. we cannot wait to act up!
- Either the Trump/Pence fascist regime is ended or America will NEVER be the same again!!
- Say no to authoritarianism and fascism.
- Hit the streets now, and stop 45’s fascist coup! In the name of humanity.
- It is time to stop the 400 years and longer genocide being perpetrated against indigenous, black, and brown peoples.
- The American people have spoken. We want this fascist regime out NOW! Their dismissal of our voices clearly shows the intention of turning our country into a dictatorship. We will not allow it!
- We do not accept this fascist regime!
- This was sent in a couple of days ago and sending again now to make sure it was received
- I refuse fascism in all its form and all its places of origins and stand together for a livable planet for all its life forms and for harmonious, loving and thriving societies of diverse humans and other life-forms.
- “I don’t fight fascism because I will win; I fight fascism because it’s fascism.” Woody Guthrie.
- The last 4 years were the scariest times of my life.
- We will not allow our democracy to fall to fascism. We do not accept that our fair and just elections be strewn as illegitimate with absolutely no proof. We refuse to stand back while our country falls to an authoritarian regime.
- I can’t just watch Democracy being tried destroyd!
- Gracias por tu trabajo.
- “I refuse to submit to fascism!
- The #TrumpublicanCult must go!I refuse to submit to fascism!
- The #TrumpublicanCult must go!”
- My mother was a religious refugee from Austria because she was Jewish. Her brother was Imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp. These things happened to them not because of what they did, but who they were. This was done to my family by fascists. There are people in the world who would repeat the crimes of the 20th century if allowed to do so. I would be persecuted. My children would be persecuted. My grandchildren would be persecuted. We are all in danger because of fascists. They must be defeated again
- In support, proud to sign. Keep up your relentless courage. So necessary.
- Trump was bad enough up until now, but this is unbelievable. We have a major pandemic and he does nothing and hinders a man who does want to do something.
- We need the fascist power to leave the White House. Trump and Pence must accept that Biden has won and begin the transition of power!
- We must do everything possible to thwart the rise of and consolidation of fascism in US. Into the Streets!
- in the name of the Earth and Humanity, FIGHT FASCISM.
- Trump/Pence needed to be out of the White House like yesterday!!!
- All people are equal – we should be treated as such!
- Trump should never have become the President of the United States! This is an accurate description of him. The people have spoken through their votes that he is to be removed!
- Thank you for putting together this important pledge. Trump and the Trump organization need to be brought to trial and receive the punishment they deserve for their multitude of crimes against the American people and against humanity.
- I agree with all my heart with all of the tenets of this group.
- This must stop. The GOP has become Trump, a blight on our nation.
- This is America. We don’t do fascism here. If fascism is what you want, you’ll have to move to a different country.
- I refuse to let my country fall to fascism and will do everything in my power to resist.
- Stand United! Stand strong together! Stop the hate, racism, violence, and oppression against all Americans! We speak with one voice for all Americans! Come together, bridge the divide, love one another like family!
- Trump terrorizes the world hourly with misinformation and lies. He is the single biggest threat to civilization.
- Stay Focused, Stay Strong, Keep Recruiting, Hold Hope, Believe We Can Transform This Mistake into America’s Greatest Accomplishment!
- We have too long endured a president who is misogynist, racist, and a pathological liar. Biden and Harris will be a beacon of light that slowly takes away the darkness of four years. May the next four years be the best that America has to offer!
- I sign this pledge against fascism and refuse to accept a racist america
- Totally agree what is happening is an existential threat to the world!
- This evil man and his minions must be stopped! Free the United States from fascism. The Germans ignored the warnings, we can’t let it happen here.
- Thanks for the tenacity and courage to stick to it. History will thank you1
- “I was there in the thick of the Viet Nam protests. I was there @ KSU on 5/4/1970
- I am still alive and our Democracy is too.”
- The Illegitimate legacy of Trumpism must be excised from America entirely, and this pseudo-ideology so thoroughly extinguished that it can never again rise to threaten American democracy.
- Black trans lives matter
- Thanks for starting this! Infuriated that this is necessary!
- I refuse to allow fascism to proliferate. Racism, xenophobia, homophobia, ageism, sexism need to be addressed and annihilated.
- My name is Tanya and I live in Tasmania, Australia.
- I’ve been watching on TV seeing and hearing how much Trump is carrying on like a brat.
- He is ment to be a adult.
- So why doesn’t he just accept defeat put his tail between his legs and hand over the tops to president elected Mr Joe Biden.
- he has a lot to answer for the people of America and world wide.
- And I’m sure he will drag this out as long as he can cause he does not like to loose.
- I have watched the Trump/Pence regime strip rights from my LGBTQ friends. I have watched their very own Gestapo murder innocent POCs. I have watched America burn due to the Climate Change denying monsters that are in power. I have seen their abominable regime separate refugee children from their families and put them in cages. I have watched the Trump/Pence regime threaten, bully and intimidate the countries, politicians and celebrities that stand in their way. I am disgusted, I am appalled, and I will not sit back and watch anymore, the time for action is now.
- I am honored to be part of such a clear, strong, honest statement.
- Halt a repetition of Germany’s slide to a Nazi state!
- We should all be fighting for a fair future. The future should be bright for our children & generations to come. Our world needs to become better, move forward not go backwards.
- We are dying because an immoral regime is being enabled and encouraged to invalidate a freely held election. This regime must go now!
- My Dad put his life on the line against fascism in the Battle of Britain, flying Hurricanes and Spitfires to defend the British Isles against the NAZIs. We must also put our lives on the line here and now to stop fascism in our time.
- Freedom & liberty cannot thrive in the shadow of fascism. But fascism cannot stand when opposed by an engaged & critically thinking citizenry
- This was started by Nixon, Atwater, Schlafly, Clinton, Bush and -of course- Reagan. To not draw connections from active works of malice in the past to these ongoing problems now is to further create a disservice to those who haven’t had the option to learn our nation’s and our species’ actual history and legacy. This concepts didn’t grow and become implemented in a vacuum and to imply otherwise is further causing a rift and divide that the harbingers of hate and drivers of American fascism to exploit. Knowledge and truth should not be gated and especially not by class, race, education level or lack of access. Our problems run deep and through every channel, system and structure in this world we helped create – and they ALL need to be addressed. Decolonize all facets of thinking and acting in our current modern capitalist way of life and the onslaught of fascism will disappear even faster and more peacefully than the calls to action have demanded.
- No Fascists No Racist No White Supremacy
- Cease surveillance of innocent people. You are greedy fascists that are adding to our demise on a daily basis. You have turned your killer dogs onto innocent people. STOP IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY!!
- Those kids are counting on us to make this nightmare end.
- I was born in France under the Nazi heel in 1944, emigrated to the USA in 1946, became a naturalized American citizen in 1952 and a US Naval officer in 1965. I will not live in a fascist America.
- Trump/Pence have been a blight on humanity. Their viciousness, racism, misogyny, degradation of our environment, and pandemic death machine mark them as criminals of the worst kind.
- Trump is not only a threat to our country but to the whole world.! He must be driven from office. He is trying to steal the election we cannot let him. Trump pence out now